Why is my Maine Coon so scared?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Maine Coon Cats : One Thread

My Maine Coon (Morris)who is 1 years old now and is so scared at my husband that he runs away. I would like to know if anyone know what I can do to make him not be scare of him. Morris is a little scare of me, but comes to me on his terms only.

It took a few months for Morris to warm up to me, but I think I take care of him that why he is a little loveable to me and not to my husband.

Please help, I will try anything.

-- Anonymous, May 06, 1999


Hi Connie Is Morris on his own for long periods? This can make them a little nervous. Consider getting another kitten and pick a very friendly one, Morris will be all the better for some good playing, and he will learn from the kitten's confident attitude. Your husband should keep a pocketful of Morris's favorite treat, at first just drop one as near the cat as he can go without scaring him, once Morris has figured this and is interested go a little nearer before dropping the treat. Always stop as soon as his ears go back or his tail twitches. When he is willing to stay just start talking to him gently and sweetly while giving treat, later a touch on the back then a stroke. Just do things in small stages. Maine Coons usually become more relaxed as they get older. Good luck.

-- Anonymous, May 20, 1999

Since with all the responses I received. Morris has 2 other cats with him all day, so he is not all alone. He is not that scared of my husband only when he walk near him.

Morris is 1 years old and made himself at home. So I guess my questions was when he was alittle younger at that time. Now since he is 1 year old, he is getting alot better. I know he comes and sits on my lap all the time when I'm watching TV. I love him and my other cats Smokey and Bandit (siamese).

-- Anonymous, May 21, 1999

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