Documentation , Explanation , Use of s093 : LUSENET : Newsgroup : One Thread

To MSP/A users ,

I would appreciate any information of the list s093 !!!



-- Jiannis Jiannikopoulos (, May 10, 1999


Hello Jiannis,

this list was made for Australia and shows an overview of the articles per commssion group. For each salesrep you can have a page which shows the average turnover in relation to the quantity of invoice lines, quantity of invoice lines, turnover, commission, commission in percent. This values are shown cumulated by month and also per year. Articles which are not defined in a comission group are displayed in the first column. It is also possible to define for each commission group a specific name which is then also shown in the list. (Program e_txkn, record type: provgrp)

The second part of the report shows the same data as before, but not per comission group, therefore per pricegroup. This means that this second part will only show you data if you are working with the australian pricing and commission system. (pricegroup 0 = manual price, 1 = price from pricelist, 2 = price from pricelist and with customer spcific conditions, 7= bulk prices, 9 = promotions).

At the end the list calculates totals for salesrep group, salesrep type and division.

I hope this information will help you.

Kind regards Arndt

-- Arndt-Peter Oberndoerfer (, June 01, 1999.

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