Nikon FE2 E-screen: rather dark? : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

I just got an FE2 in great shape. I think it's awesome. The only thing is the focusing screen (E-type: crossed lines) which seems a bit dark, compared to my newer N60. I popped it up and it had a notched tag which the manual says is the 'newer' style for the FE2 (vs FE). A brighter screen would be easier to focus with. Anything I can do?

-- Julio Marcos (, May 14, 1999


After-market "britescreens" are available -- ask B&H for a catalog and you'll find them. They're expensive. Some people say they're brighter but harder to focus. I have not used one; the E2 screen in my FA is bright enough.

-- John Kuraoka (, May 15, 1999.

Hi Julio, I have the same setup as yours (FE2 + E2 screen). There isn't much you can do, really. Brittescreen, as John suggested, will improve the situation, but like John said, it's expensive, especially for a camera body that doesn't cost too much. I suspect you're using a zoom lens with a relatively small maximum aperture on your FE2; try fitting a lens with a large maximum aperture, like the standard 50mm/1.8, you'll get a slightly brighter view. Cheers.

-- Hoyin Lee (, May 15, 1999.

Thanks for the suggestions; I went to my local camera store, and fair enough, the screen is normal. I do have the 50mm 1.8; of course, when I compare it with the N60, the N60 will always be brighter! The Brittescreen is an idea. Thanks.

-- Julio Marcos (, May 16, 1999.

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