Professional Article Review #4 : LUSENET : MEd Cohort III : One Thread

Professional Journal Review #4 Kristina Downs -Cohort III

This article relates the experiences and insights of Library /media specialist , Barbara Jansen , who advocates using self-evaluation with students as a means of improving learning. She says that leaving self-evaluation out of the learning process , denies students the opportunity to understand the way they learn as well as respect for the way others learn. She goes on to say that not only do students learn more about the learning process, but they learn a lot about interpersonal relationships as well, by evaluating group work.

Jansen believes that self- evaluation techniques should be used before, during and after lessons to achieve maximum benefit. She provides the following guidelines:

Before the lesson, students should be provided with a predetermined set of standards. She says when they know the expectations up front, most students strive for excellence. She also says exemplary models are important at this point so that students can evaluate them against the criteria that has been set.

During the lesson: They should have opportunities to think introspectively and make adjustments in their work. They should be encouraged to evaluate at several steps during the process rather than waiting until the work is finished. Many assignments are set up to be evaluated when they are completed. Students often feel discouraged and unmotivated to go back and make adjustments at that point.

After the lesson: At this point, students should be evaluating not only their product, but how well the process worked for them or their group. They should think about changes they could make to make the process/product better next time around. This may include simple discussions or questionnaires.

Jansen admits that although it may take more time to allow students to evaluate, they will learn the techniques and ask themselves questions about their work quality eventually. In my opinion, it would seem well worth the effort to teach our students such a valuable, life-long skill.

-- Anonymous, May 14, 1999

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