Kodak DC260 script on Mac Powerbook

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Somehow I can not copy 1.06 software and/or scripts to the Flashcard of my DC260. According to Mr. Haennichen's extensive FAQ there is a system folder on the card. Just simply does not show up neither on the Mac nor on the disk. Any ideas?


-- Huncut Laci (zsl@starnetinc.com), May 18, 1999


The way I did it was creating a folder on the card named 'System' Then I copied the scripts into it. Rebooted the camera and there they were.

-- Paws Southwick (paws@dnai.com), May 19, 1999.

I needed to connect my DC265 to a B&W G3 Mac. USB card reader options were not available so I downloaded Digita Desktop software from FlashPoint Technology http://www.flashpoint.com/. This enables me to download photos from the camera to the computer and upload files (both scripts and applications) from my computer to the camera's system folder. Perhaps this solution would work for

-- Paul Manuel (macpgm@nobbys.net.au), June 23, 1999.

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