Programming decoders with computers : LUSENET : Wiring for DCC : One Thread

I am developing my own (non commercial) software for running my DCC layout based on Lenz modules (LI100) using a Macintsoh computer. I succeded in building a programme that satsifactorily drives locomotives and accessories but experience extreme difficulties in using the computer for programming decoders. The doc. available from Lenz is, in my views, totally insufficient. Could anyone help or share experience with me? Than

-- Claude Coune (, May 18, 1999



Check out my do-it-yourself page that contains links to other people who have made their own DCC system.

-- Allan Gartner (, May 19, 1999.


-- JOHN SMITH (, March 13, 2001.

I would very much like to share experience with you.

-- Bengt Aretoft (, August 25, 2002.

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