'Hot Mirror' Filter for the Agfa 1680

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Hi All-

In looking through the accesory catalog which came with my digital camera (AGFA ephoto 1680), I noticed that they have a 'Hot Mirror' filter which is supposed to reduce 'hazy, bluish casts often caused by the CCD of the camera, which is highly sensitive to light in the infrared range. The hot mirror filter limits this bluish cast and allows for the image to have normal color.' I've never heard of this filter, so I was wondering if any one had any experience with its use, and whether it is worth AGFA's $50 price.

Thanks, Donna Heimiller

-- Donna Heimiller (dheimill@gis1.nrel.gov), May 19, 1999


The hot mirror filter is an everyday accompaniment to high end slr's. All those fancy $15k cameras use them in one way or another. Some have a filter you screw on to the front of your lens, others have a tiny wafer in front of the CCD imager that accomplishes the same thing. This is also known as the "low pass" filter that the Nikon E3, D1, and Canon 620 talk about. If you are using the 1680 inside most of the time, you probably don't need the hot mirror filter. Outside stuff within 30 ft of the camera, you probably dont need it. Outside stuff on bright sunny days might benefit from it. The agfa price is about right. Hot mirror filters are wildly expensive, espcially for big zoom lenses.

-- Lorenzo (Lorenzo46@hotmail.com), June 22, 1999.

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