Where the hell is Pamie?

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I want to know where Pamie went. I come to check the entry for the day and here's this stupid message saying "Squishy is on vacation until Wed." What's up with that? I don't recall Pamie saying she was going anywhere. Anyone have any ideas?

-- Anonymous, May 24, 1999


Seen Single White Female a few times?

-- Anonymous, May 24, 1999

All I really want to know is WHY every thread that I post on eventually ends up in the 'why are girls so weird' sub-category. This is entirely too much ammunition for my wife to have. I think Pamie must be leading a double life as Britney Spears...She had to run down to Monaco and make an appearance at the World Music Awards, and while she was down there she hooked up with Ricky Martin, and they had a wild weekend of....Anyway..I digress.(hehehe)

-- Anonymous, May 24, 1999

Stop me if I sound a bit zany here, but maybe Pamie has an entire life outside of doing Squishy. Maybe she doesn't even tell us every little thing she does! Controversial!

Perhaps if we ask nicely she'll have a tracking device fitted.

-- Anonymous, May 25, 1999

Hey, who says she can have a life outside of us?? We love her more anyway. And maybe she had some kind of emergency or something. You never know. I just want to know.

-- Anonymous, May 25, 1999

You're right, Material Girl, and I think you should ask her to refund every dime you've paid her for entertaining you every day. How dare she take a few days off and leave a "stupid" message saying she's on vacation.

-- Anonymous, May 25, 1999

I don't think that Pamie has to answer to anyone if she wants to take some time off from writing. Be glad on the days that she writes and be patient on the days that she doesn't.

-- Anonymous, May 25, 1999

God you guys....it was a joke. you need to lighten up a little bit.

-- Anonymous, May 25, 1999

Damn, Beth, can you a little more bitchy? I don't think MaterialGirl meant anything by that comment. When you're friends with someone, don't you wonder where they are? I think that's what she's trying to get at. Don't you consider Pamie a friend. I do. She's so intimate with us by telling us private things about her life, I feel she's a friend. You guys do need to lighten up a little bit.

-- Anonymous, May 25, 1999

Yeah, what happened to everybody's sense of humour all of a sudden? Methinks that chill pills are in order. Are we suddenly not allowed to come here and socialise without proper supervision? Geeez!

-- Anonymous, May 25, 1999

Guys. Calm down. She just went on vacation. She'll be back tomorrow and then we all get to hear where she's been and what she's done. Because let's face it. Now everyone wants to know where she's been and what she's been up to. It will make squishy more exciting.

Hurry Home Pamie. I hope you had a great time.

-- Anonymous, May 25, 1999

I'll turn this thread around and come right back home if everyone doesn't settle down!

That reminds me of another parental saying that a friend of mine liked to share - "Laugh, and the world laughs with you. Cry, and I'LL REALLY GIVE YA SOMETHING TO CRY ABOUT YOU LITTLE SHIT!"

This isn't funny if this is something he really heard as a kid, but I always laughed when he said it. Of course, I also watch Jurassic Park just to see the electric fence scene, which never fails to make me giggle.

Sorry about my earlier comment but the first thing that came to mind when I read your post was Single White Female. MaterialGirl, from now on whenever I read one of your posts it will be voiced by Jennifer Jason Leigh.

-- Anonymous, May 25, 1999

Speaking of things that make one giggle, does anyone else laugh at the sight of someone driving along with a mattress tied to the top of their car, or is it just me?

-- Anonymous, May 25, 1999

I must say Brad, I think it's only you. I just don't get it.

Thank you to Lee and KewlGirl for seeing the lighter side of my post. Guys, it was honestly just conversation.

-- Anonymous, May 26, 1999

Now that I think about it, Brad, yes, that does make me laugh when I see it. What really cracks me up though is people who stop their cars on really busy streets and proceed to unload their family or whip in for a pint of milk, and think that by having their hazard lights flashing they are somehow excused from obeying any road rules. Want to park on that double yellow line? Turn your hazard lights on! Nobody will even notice you then!

Material Girl, I still think we should get Pamie wired up to a tracking device. We could have a map of Austin and see her beeping her way around it. It would be fab and we'd never again have to wonder why she hadn't posted ... "There she is! Hungover in the corner!"

-- Anonymous, May 26, 1999

All right....all in favor of Jackie's idea, say I. haha But, it may tell us things we don't want to know. Like when her and Eric are having some private moments, ya know?!

-- Anonymous, May 26, 1999

I don't care if Pamie and Eric are trying to have some quality time together ... I want to know her movements at all times, Goddamnit!

This Squishy thing just can't work until she realises she is fully answerable to us, her adoring stalker public.

-- Anonymous, May 26, 1999

this is true.....I mean, we do visit this site at least once a day and it's all because Pamie is a great story teller and all.

-- Anonymous, May 26, 1999

She's like a drug....

Have your private time, pamie, it's OK, but then, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD COME BACK TO US!!! We miss you.

-- Anonymous, May 26, 1999

How's this for a kick in the pants. I was bitching along with the rest of you guys wondering where Pamie was and guess what? She was literally a block away from where I work. Come to think about it, I went out for a Pepsi yesterday and I saw this freakish girl wearing an "I LOVE DC" t-shirt, tan shorts, black socks and white tennis shoes with that little faggity fanny pack strapped to her hip. I wonder if that was her.

-- Anonymous, May 26, 1999

No, that was Eric.

I was a block behind.

-- Anonymous, May 26, 1999

I missed the reference to the infamous Kim Rollins. What was it? (I'm curious; I need to know; I even exchanged emails with her a few times.)

-- Anonymous, May 26, 1999

I'm afraid I'm going to have to dispel a myth here and Pam may not like it.

You see, fellow posters, I have come by some disquieting information that I gleaned, Harry Knowles-like, from my spies on the Internet. You, see it seems that "Pamie" (if that is, indeed, her real name) didn't go to Washington at all. Notice the lack of details in her entry today? That's no accident, friends -- SHE WAS NOWHERE NEAR WASHINGTON!
Shocked? You should be. Got a little hollow feeling in the pit of your stomach? Yep, me too. A little hungry? We should go fetch some crispy honey chicken later... BUT NEVERTHELESS -- here we all thought Pamie was opening up to her readers, when in fact, she's been deceiving us all. The truth is...< br> SHE WAS AT THE THEATER WATCHING STAR WARS ALL WEEKEND! That's right... all those messages about "not getting it" were just a clever ruse to divert us from her raging Star Wars fan-girlishness.
So what do you have to say for yourself, Ms. Pamie (if that is, indeed, your real name)? Got any Jar Jar jokes for us? Bought any Darth Maul bubblegum yet. WELL? HAVE YOU!?! ANSWER ME!!!!!!
Of course, 'tis just a theory. I could be mistaken... tee hee omar

-- Anonymous, May 26, 1999

Omar! Do not expose who I truly am!

Actually, I may be seeing Star Wars tomorrow evening, if all goes as planned. I figure it'll be a topic in my improv shows for the next six weeks, so I'd better know what they're all talking about.

Plus every other journaller has given their take on it, so i guess I should as well.

But I did go to Baltimore. I'll expose more of the trip during the week. You see, if I did it all in one day, then it wouldn't feel like I was gone for very long. But if it takes a while, then you see why I was gone for so long.

-- Anonymous, May 26, 1999

Gosh, I didn't realize how much she's missed. I didn't really know what's going on because I just stumbled in this site a few days ago and enjoyed reading the "back issues". I had such a laugh and I don't blame you guys for missing Pamie. I mean this is so new to me,the on line diary. She's great and very, very funny! I live in Japan where when you buy a book, they ask whether you want a cover. They cover everything here! It's nice to have a peek at somebody's life sometimes. Fun!


-- Anonymous, May 26, 1999

I'd love to see one of her shows..... are you touring Australia soon Pamie ??

-- Anonymous, May 27, 1999

I'll tell you what--

you find a way to get me there, and I'll get my crew together for a show.


-- Anonymous, May 28, 1999

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