Food Storage and Preserving : LUSENET : Year 2000 Preparation Archive : One Thread

Food Storage and Preserving

Hamburger Rocks
Yes I am a lurker, but after reading a couple of post recently about dehydrating hamburger patties and them breaking them up for spaghetti etc...I thought I would share my recipe for hamburger rocks with you.

Help on storing cheese
I have read about storing cheese for long term bycoating the block with wax, 4 - 5 layers. When I experimented with a small block of mild chedder, it would heat the cheese slightly and make some oild.

Mylar bags
Hope this isn't a repeat question. I have a hard time getting a good seal on my mylar bags. I either don't seal them enough or melt the stuff. I'm using the family iron. Any tips? thanks

Home food drying - FAQ
How can I tell when fruit leather is dry? Touch it; it shouldn't be sticky. If it peels from the plastic and maintains its shape, it is dry.

Mold (mould) on your stash food--not safe to eat?
An old belief was that eating moldy food was not harmful. Current research has shown that some molds produce mycotoxins -- which if ingested, are capable of causing diseases in humans and animals.

Grain and Beans in buckets
I have top quality grain (wheat, corn, rice, oats) and beans (pinto and soy) packaged with diatomaceous earth and nitrogen in 5 gallon buckets. All items are in stock and ready for immediately delivery.

Urban root cellar
We are exploring the idea of digging a hole under the deck, inserting a five bucket bucket with a gamma seal and covering it with dirt to be consistant with the rest of the area.

Storage pit for root crops, apples, pears
Constructing a mound storage pit is easy! Simply place a layer of straw on the ground upon which you will stack your root crops. You can also store apples and pears this way.

Root Cellars
Does anyone know where I can get good info on building a rootcellar? I did several searches with poor results.

How many months food are you storing up? Is four months enough? Please answer.
Retarding sprouting and bacteria growth in stored potatoes
The article suggests putting sage, rosemary and lavender in with your stored potatoes, according to experiments conducted by Greek scientists.

Brown Rice Storage
I seem to remember a post a few weeks ago that mentioned that brown rice is only good for about 6 months. Is there any truth to that?

Has anyone heard of dipping eggs in a solution of sodium silicate and water ? Some one told me that they would keep for a year, sounds good.

{food} Drying room.
we spread 25 lbs of grain out to dry in three box lids that were about 3 inches deep. After a couple of hours, there was about an ounce and a half of water in the tray, which was emptied.

Some veggies for long storage (no drying, canning or freezing!)
You knew this would be from an old Organic Gardening, didn't you?(Sept/Oct 1995), by Jeff Cox.

Mylar Bags... always mentioned, never found.
In the 2.7 billion conversations about buckets we've had here, and in many others as well, people are always referring to "mylar bags" for food.

How Much DE to use in Wheat Bags?????
But: How much DE to use per "gallon" of wheat? I don't want to use too much and waste it, or have to wash the wheat before grinding....Help!!

Egg Preservative
But the price was right, and if it works, I will have fresh eggs after y2k. The amount needed to treat 40 doz. eggs cost around $25.00. Ordered it from:

Canned bread
If this works, and I don't see why it wouldn't, then other quick breads should be good candidates. Does anyone have any experience canning quick breads?

Propane Refrigerators
Someone in my homeschool group needs to find one to keep medications forher daughter. Any info about manufacturers and suppliers would be helpful.

GSA Website Indirectly Recommends 1 Month of Water and 2 Weeks of Food and Cash
I think the GSA posting is vital to the GI's interested in community preparation. This is a GSA website, not merely a link. So, in my book, it has the imprimatur of official advice.

What makes a bucket food grade?
I realize this must have been addressed here before, but I have spent hours in the archives and cannot find what I am looking for.

Anybody have any good "Food Storage without Refrigeration" links?
Anybody have any good "Food Storage without Refrigeration" links?

How long will rice/beans and other dry goods last?
I am sure this has probably been discussed before, but for us relative newbys-- how long will an unopened bag (25#) of rice last?

Food Drying Basics
Anyone can dry food at home at low cost. Dried fruits, vegetables and meats retain vitamins and minerals, take up comparatively little space, and should be part of your Y2K food storage program.

Dehydator or canning?
Please advise: dehydrator or canning? I have looked at both and can't decide!

Next Big Question: Dehydrators
We are toying with getting a dehydrator but wonder whether it is worth the effort (and, more, the electricity).

Where do I get oxygen absorbers
and why. Thanks to all that answered the Bulk Food question.

USDA site: Canning, etc.
USDA - canning, meat preservation, water storage, how to info on food storage, pressure cookers and more (haven't read all of it yet).

Help on Pressure Canner?
We have heard about some super-duper French pressure canner. Anyone know what I'm asking about? Would welcome other suggestions too

Leslie--Oven canning info
Leslie---In answer to your question, I got the info from my mother in law in passing the other day.(while she was canning flour in the oven).

All American Pressure Canner arrived today!
This thing is an American Work of Art. It is machined aluminum..beautiful. There is no rubber ring, as the lid and bottom fit together so well.

Dry ice & generators
Where does one get dry ice for oxygen displacement in food packaging?

Need a recipe for dried beef.
I am interested in finding a recipe for the thin dried beef Armour used to sell in the small jars. I am notplanning to stock much meat, but would like to try making this beef.

How does 'shelf stable' work
Does anyone know how them make prepared meats 'shelf stable.'? All of the packages have the same ingredients as regulare prepared meats that need to be refridgerated.

does anyone know where I can get some moisture absorber pellets?
I have seen some discussion about burying food, which I think is a great idea, but I would like to put some moisture absorbant material in with the food so it won't mold.

How can you know if a container is air-tight?
I recently found a bounty of 1 and 2 quart plastic containers with screw on lids for $1 a piece. I have oxygen aborbers.

TV DEVICE " FOOD SAVER " Looks like a worthwhile device to.....
While watching late nite TV happened to watch the show concerning a "Food Saver " . It vacuums out the air to save food items and seal bottles without the canning process.

Refridgeration problem solved!
I ran across a dream come true in Wal-Mart tonight. Thermoelectric coolers! Their a 40 qt. DC electric cooler. They cool the air 40 degrees cooler than the external air temperature.

How do I freeze dry food
How do I freeze dry food...? My local supermarket is selling 10 pound turkey's for 3.99. Would like to buy 10 and cook them.. then freezedry the meat.. and have lots of yummy turkey to eat..

What foods to freeze dry?
But I'm thinking, you know, now that I have this big freezer and there IS food available, why can't I freeze-dry stuff?

Saving badly saved food?
You open the bucket and yuks!!! You're supposed to *eat* that stuff???

WHy Do YoU alL Say to freEzE FOod????

Year 2000 Preparation Archive

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-- Brian (, May 25, 1999

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