What scholorships are avalible?/ Are you a captain?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Colorguard Chat : One Thread

Hi. My name is Jaime and I'm both the winter and color guard captain at West Jeferson High School. I'm interested if there is any way I can get scholorships for being in color guard. Also, I would like to talk to any captains out there. Please e-mail me.


-- Jaime Conley (guardgirl@juno.com), May 28, 1999


Hi---my name is Janine Bubet and I am both the winter Guard & Color Guard Captain, in Nutley, NJ. Our winter Guard goes by the name Soul Ambition, and we compete in the MAIN circut in the Independant a group. I love talking to other guard members around the world. Hope to hear from some of you soon-feel free to e-mail me!

-- Janine bubet (guardGrl27@aol.com), December 14, 1999.

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