chewing tails : LUSENET : Maine Coon Cats : One Thread

I have 2 mc types. They are the most beauitiful cats. They both have the plume tails until the end. They chase their tails and the ends of their tails look like someone snipped the hair off right to the end of the tail bone. I have no idea as to how to get my girls to leave their tail alone. I have many toys for them to play with everything from mice to balls on a spring. If anyone can help I really need it. Thanks.

-- Anonymous, May 28, 1999


I, too am looking for an answer to this question. My Maine Coon, Harry has been chasing his tail in circles and is pulling out all the fur on his (once) beautiful tail. If anyone could help, please respond. Thanks.

-- Anonymous, June 16, 1999

I also have no answer. My cat (male, now about 10 mos, was the sole kitten of a feral cat). He has adapted well to humans (at least to me) is affectionate and extremely well behaved. About 2 to 3 weeks ago, he cut his tail on something. A straight cut. It has scabbed. I say this because I wonder if there is a connection.

Recently, quite out of the blue, he suddenly begins staring at his tail and his tail begins to wagged (angrily). He attacks it, hisses at it, growls at it, and then cries when he attacks and bites it. At other times, he washes it quite calmly. All this taking place in the same place—i.e., under the table. Being feral, he usually asks and goes outdoors at this point; flicks it a few times, and then disappears under the trees. It is disconcerting. But I gather he just isn't going to completely cease being feral. Any other ideas?

-- Anonymous, December 13, 2000

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