Can deleted images be retrieved on DC-265? : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I inadvertently deleted 3 images of my grandaughter prior to downloading them from my Kodak DC-265. I assume this is just a tough learning experience, but I thought maybe there was a magic solution. HELP!

-- Don and Barb Fick (, May 31, 1999


Don, A while back someone had the same problem with a DC260. I believe their solution will work equally well with your DC265. Here is a direct quote from that person after he recovered his images. (Taken from the Yahoo site.)

"Nuts & Bolts 98 worked on the first try. I didn't need any other program. It was what my friend had on his laptop. I am buying Nuts & Bolts 98 for myself just to be prepared. The steps are to select undelete from th Nuts & Bolts menu, select the directory of the deleted files and pick a file from the list. The first character of the deleted file name is a "?". I just changed it to the "P" that the 260 uses for picture names. That's it."

Don, I hope this helps. I suspect Norton Utilities would also work. But if you have to buy something, you might as well go with something known to work - Nuts & Bolts 98. (Helix Software)

-- Steve (, May 31, 1999.

Don, Nuts & Bolts 98 is now put out by McAfee/Network Associates. Not Helix Software. It's hard to keep up with who owns what.

-- Steve (, May 31, 1999.

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