Removing currency from circulation : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

We are but 5 neighbors who yesterday over coffee figured out that between the 5 of us, we have removed from circulation and stashed over a half million dollars. If we have done this, how many others have done the same? Fortunately we all did this in 1998 as the banks would probably not allow us to do it now. I took $500 in $100 bills to the bank and asked for $20,10s and 5s. It was clear to me that the teller was frustrated. When she came back with the cash she said, "you know we are not going out of business New Years Day" in a very snippy manner. It ticked me off, and I just looked her in the eye and said, "I don't care if you do"!! A year or two ago, I could walk in and get a couple of thousand in cash and not a word about it. We did this if we were going on vaction or buying something that we wanted to pay cash for. No one thought anything about it. I think the smell of fear has trickled down to the lower echelon in the banks now. Banks close and the tellers are out of a job and thats y2k no matter how you spell it.

Got a little stash for emergency?


-- Taz (Tassie, June 03, 1999


"I suspect... that the number of people already withdrawing cash from their banks is significant enough for the banks to have noticed."

The Disconnect Effect: "About that Y2K warning....", November 18, 1998.

-- Lane Core Jr. (, June 03, 1999.

Forget the banks. The question is, have the burglars taken notice?

I don't sleep as well as I used to, even with a gun handy.

-- scared (of@every.thing), June 03, 1999.


Might just be the teller you get. One teller at my bank is nice as can be when I withdraw cash. Another teller gets this look on his face like I'm asking him sit on a tack.


Keep two stashes of cash. A 'real' one that's well hidden that contains the bulk of your cash, and another one that's less hidden which has only a few hundred. This way if a burglar does show up hopefully he'll find the latter and 'take the money and run' before he has a chance to find your real stash.


-- TECH32 (TECH32@NOMAIL.COM), June 03, 1999.

This isn't scientific research and is unverifiable, but, I have noticed that most of the money I take in at the Farmer's markets this year is older bills- haven't gotten but one newer one recently and that was a new issue twenty. This is different than years past when I took in lots of crispnew bills straight from the ATM- I asked a teller at my bank about this but she said she didn't notice. Me thinks the feds are leaving bills in circulation longer than before......even written, crinkled and stained ones- just thought this was interesting...don't know if anyone else out there who deals with cash in a business has seen this?

-- anita (, June 03, 1999.

I'm sorry I don't remember where I saw it, but it was yesterday. The Feds aren't retiring bills unless it's absolutely necessary. Even though a couple of years ago it was a high priority to replace the old-style bills with the new counterfeit-resistant ones, they are keeping them in circulation. We know why.

-- Doug (, June 03, 1999.

One way I have found to be discreet about having cash handy is to not deposit a paycheck, but instead cash it. You can always make a cash deposit to cover checks, etc. If you don't put it in to begin with, you'll eliminate the 'looks' and comments later if/when you want to take it out.

-- Wilferd (, June 03, 1999.

That is exactly what I have been doing with hubby's pay check. But I am to get my first SS check in a few days and its a direct deposit. So am going to have to go into bank and cash a check each month. Now, if you people think that SS is going to stay up and running, think again. Taz is now on the system and its a 100% chance that the thing will go tits up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL


-- Taz (Tassie, June 04, 1999.

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