GNIABFI says this forum is self destructing (humor) : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

The only new post of the evening on the new Biffy site. But its seems our forum is the one going down the tubes. For a good laugh, check out this exchange from none other than Mutha, cpr and Pat:
 Yourdon's forum self destructing quickly now... 

Forum: Gary North is a Big Fat Idiot Forum Date: Jun 05, 14:22 From: Mutha Nachu

HAH ha ha...

Just checked in over to the dunghill...what an absolute loony-bin! The new "moderators" of the forum are now into "exposing" everyones 'motives' they see them! (they can't even get the names right, let alone anything else)

They are back to "so and so is Mutha" yadda, yadda, thingandathing...

I seem to recall several posters saying things would go downhill rapidly now that the snake has lost its head.

I predict the sensoring will begin soon.(I can't access some bookmarked threads...when I searched the archives they don't come up either)

When that happens, expect yourdung's ex-temple of doom to go the way of other moderated forums...*silence* The place was over run by survivalist/preparers a year ago

Forum: Gary North is a Big Fat Idiot Forum Re: Yourdon's forum self destructing quickly now... (Mutha Nachu) Date: Jun 05, 18:59 From: cpr

I deal in facts not "beliefs". I can't SPEND my beliefs. I make money on facts and the real world.

Others, like the screwballs of Y2k on EY, C.sissy2k and Hyatt/North's forums deal in their "Beliefs".

THEY..... ** MUST *** make the "facts" fit their beliefs. I don't have to do that. I CAN ADJUST to changing conditions. I don't need "excuses" or "rationalizations" such as "coverup" "conspiracy","lying", and the rest of the EY Swamp Mentality that YOURDONEFOR HIMSELF FED over and over.

Still, even encouraged by that, the NUTZOs restrained themselves. Now it would not surprise me to see GN and others appear on EY's forum.

Soon you will see them all turn SAVAGE on Moderates who they will tar as Polly.

Then,,,,,,they will fall on each other as all Extremists do in the ultimate: "turf fights" for position. Its part money and part ego. (and ALL Bull Shit).

I didn't realize that it really was the "survivalists" driving the whole fear train from North to Beach. I simply did not know that "PREPARING" is their universal buzz word. "PREP" is the slang. "How're your "preps" going?" is the UNIVERSAL GREETING.

Its not just Y2k its a whole lifestyle movement of a bunch of ASSHOLES.

They took over EY's PIT long ago. If you go to the Survivalist web sites (I never had any reason to go there even after years of Y2k) you will see they are not only a cult but they "EVANGELIZE". It "re-inforces" their beliefs.

So they have always been on EY's forum and c.s.y2k. MILNE is one of the "role models". Now someone is debating his "words of wisdom" on de-bunky. Why bother "discussing" ANYTHING with them??

THEY HAVE A MISSION: wipe out DISSENT. Do not allow "contradictions" from THE CATECHISM OF Y2K AND IN TURN: "PREPPING".

Now without Yourdon there they will make every effort to do "Ethnic Cleansing".

You haven't seen anything yet. Soon, you will see the pitch, "Well, it looks like Y2k will be ok but you have to prepare ANYWAY for emergencies". That is how it ends for every crisis from inflation to deflation, boom to recession, you name it.

North is the expert at the "escape from the boxed in corner".

Yourdon just jumped ship.

Forum is going down hill very quickly

Forum: Gary North is a Big Fat Idiot Forum Re: Yourdon's forum self destructing quickly now... (Mutha Nachu) Date: Jun 05, 18:47 From: Pat

The Swamp has gone down hill very quickly. Very little activity over there except the usual posters that are going from extreme views to hysteria over the final impending months.

Threads there are now bringing up white supremist views, astrology, and more conspiracy. As July 1st comes soon, and many have their predictions hanging on this date as 46 states will be entering their 2000 fiscal year, I think the forum will degrade even more towards hysterical rants.

Pat "If your not Protestant, your stoned."

-- a (a@a.a), June 06, 1999


Pat should go back to skits that s/he did on Saturday Night Live. Much funnier than racist BS, which it seems that s/he is the only one on this forum is trying to promote. (Entrapment?) Ahh, the bygone days of SNL: "Heres Pat!" Fat, butt-ugly Pat.

-- King of Spain (, June 06, 1999.

Do not post on that board, no matter what the provocation! A friend of Sayn't Paul Davis runs it and they'll track you down! Who knows, since cpr is also in the loop -- you know, the guy who openly admitted to collecting files on people on this board -- they may give your IP info to him. Ignore them!

-- OutingsR (us@here.yar), June 06, 1999.

OutingsR, was it something we said?

-- Quiet's Assistant (Observer@watching.them), June 06, 1999.

I wouldn't worry about them too much. They're about to begin work for Larry Flint's exploritory committee for his run in 2000 ( or should I say "roll")

-- Will continue (, June 06, 1999.

they're right about one thing;we only have freedom of speech when it protects the opinions of people you despise.freedom is not always convienent

-- zoobie (, June 06, 1999.

Nice to know they are freely speaking...



http:// 928645350&P=Yes&TL=928607649

Debunking Y2k webboard

Ever watch anyone go CRAZY??
Sunday, 06-Jun-1999 01:02:30 writes:

I think we should continue to call it EY's Swamp Pit even with his depature from the rancid place.

They seem to have some problem understanding the meaning of the word "Downhill". For the a@a creature it seems to represent vast quantities of garbage postings from NUTS.

Funny they aren't so anxious to discuss the Y2k DEAD HORSES.

But as usual, they merely "change the subject" and move on.

-- Diane J. Squire (, June 06, 1999.


Don'y worry about them traceing you down from your IPS, They have been trying to trace me from my IPS for weeks, so far they publish some poor guys info, that sells WEB baby pics ( if you want everyone to see your new baby ), baby RATTLES, and nuck nucks ( a brand name baby pacifier ), hope they didn't spam him.

These guys are KLUDGES, they been trying to hack me for weeks, since I bitched about it they have quit, but that's cause they know they can't get thru. They are kludges, dorks, and dumb dumbs, they are a joke!! If one of the experts on THIS forum wanted all my info, they'd have it by now.


If you are worryed about them knowing your ISP, send it to me and I'll check it out, unless you are all over the web with your real name ( and other dangers ) an ISP won't tell anyone much. ( without a search warrent )

-- CT (ct@no.yr), June 06, 1999.

When I was a Newbie to cyberspace, I used my real name and address on the first forum on which I posted. That was a big mistake. My mail box was flooded with advertisements, chain letters and scams, nuts offering sexual romps so wild that I was amazed they could even imagine such bizarre capers, nuts offering religious salvation and daily prayers for the coming return of Christ, nuts offering every service available that I didn't need or want, from wall papering to Wall Street advice, to hearing from Cindy Crawford, to learning to use sign language.

Then some kind soul told me about anonymous email addresses, and I've been grateful every day since. Now some sheep brained, (no offense intended to sheep) pseudo saint wants real email addresses used by posters!! No way!! I've only given my real address to two people on this forum, and happily they have not sent it to the ends of the earth.

-- gilda (, June 07, 1999.

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