c4i, how might you wish us best respond to your disclosures?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

What would you like to see me do with your report?

Critt Jarvis
277 Beasley Road
Wilmington, North Carolina 28409

-Transparency: Love it or leave it

-- Critt Jarvis (middleground@critt.com), June 11, 1999


Nothing like getting straight to the point Critt. I lllike it!

-- Will continue (farming@home.com), June 11, 1999.

Love it Critt!

Still "no answer" to my last "e."


-- Diane J. Squire (sacredspaces@yahoo.com), June 11, 1999.


There may be no need for us to respond at all. In a private email, c4i (or his evil twin. . .who knows?) told me he's talked to the media.

If he's legitimate, that particular publication will be interested.

If c4i's claims pass said publication's "smell test," look for an upcoming article. Maybe the article will name names, maybe not. Reporters have a right to protect their sources.

If a story is published with regard to those claims, we can all begin debating about the legitimacy of the publication. (Unless, of course, another media outlet picks it up, and another, and another, etc.)

Since you've started another thread on this very strange day at the "Yourdonite" forum, it might be helpful to others if someone were to post links to the other threads on this, indicating the order in which they appeared.

'Night all!


-- FM (vidprof@aol.com), June 11, 1999.


Thread #1...

Why Paul Milne is a Polly

http://www.greenspun.com/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl?msg_id= 000w5S

Thread #2...

Weak Link

http://www.greenspun.com/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl?msg_id= 000wIA

Thread #3...


http://www.greenspun.com/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl?msg_id= 000wKw

-- Diane J. Squire (sacredspaces@yahoo.com), June 11, 1999.

Verrrrry interestink. Hope this won't be like the time somebody got an e-mail from the webmaster at Nightstalkers and didn't tell us what it was about!

-- RUOK (RUOK@yesiam.com), June 11, 1999.

Maybe one of the network news show will pick up the story of c4i and run it in Jan. or Feb 2000. They can show Mr. c4i selling deeds to the Brooklyn Bridge too.

-- Proud2baPolly (Proud2baPolly@lurk.net), June 11, 1999.

Interesting that Critt jumped in here with this question. Tells me that the "committee" in charge of the forum definitely consists of Diane, Leska, and Critt.

-- just observing (watching@the.watchers), June 11, 1999.

Just Observing: Nice catch, keep us informed, let us know when you catch ALL of them.

Night train

-- Night train (Nighttr@in.lane), June 11, 1999.

Good morning, y'all!

Assuming we all had a good night's sleep, I have a follow-up question for our mysterious c4i, who never responded to my second email inquiry.

c4i, if you're about today, do you have reason to believe a news article regarding your original forum post will be forthcoming?

If so, how soon?


-- FM (vidprof@aol.com), June 11, 1999.


We don't, generally, reuse outlets for information-bad karma. No, there will not be a major story breaking. This is where we chose to place the information.

Our we going to be 100% -No Our we antigovernment -No, governemnet may be too big, bureaucratic, and slow to react to our wishes, but at least it listens, try the third world-we have and we didn't like it. Frankly, we hope we misread the data and wind-up making fools of ourselves. We are sure the Dee Cee food bank would like our donation in Feb 99 if everything goes okay. However we aren't going to risk that.

About disclosure. At no time was any FOUO or classified placed in this forum- at least not by us.

"Sincere" was the closest of any person, group, whatever on this forum. The information is there, trust your intuition, act accordingly. The people in charge are scared folkes, don't rock the boat, I'll hug my laptop all night, please dear God don't let this happen.

"If you know your history, then you'd know where your coming from." -Robert Marley

The sum of all answers is this: The world as we know, the power base as we know it, the economic and political systems as we know it are in twilight.

We are signing off, we will be lurking and releasing info as we can. We will have a new name. Diane, send us an e-mail if you don't mind, you will be our verification source when we reappear.

-- c4i (c4ixxx@hotmail.com), June 11, 1999.

What a long, strange trip this has been.

-- Ready & Waiting (not@home.com), June 11, 1999.

Ready and Waiting,

Oh how I agree.

Just a couple observations: I don't mean to injure anyone's feelings here, but both "sincere" and c4i--in later posts--were in need of a spell checking device.

This despite the fact that c4i's original post was articulate and devoid of spelling errors present in follow up posts.

I do indeed feel like I'm in the "Twilight Zone."


-- FM (vidprof@aol.com), June 11, 1999.

Stranger than the original one that brought us all HERE? "Trust your instincts" seems to be a message being driven home here! We have done the research...been given a multitude of facts...it ALL leads to the same conclusion. What more are we looking for? The ACTUAL event? Too late then!!

-- Will continue (farming@home.com), June 11, 1999.

Fm, those are "considerations". Y2k is FULL of them. I do not have spell check (sure you've noticed). My brother participates in an East Coast think tank. He's brilliant and can't spell worth a darn . I never proof reads. Some folks just aren't worried about the thesis fairy, know what I mean?

-- Will continue (farming@home.com), June 11, 1999.

Uh, correction...."He" never proof reads! ( see what I mean?)

-- Will continue (farming@home.com), June 11, 1999.


You have excited a bunch of excitables.... so what? You have given nothing to these folks that couldn't be found in a couple of hours.

You wrote-

We don't, generally, reuse outlets for information-bad karma. No, there will not be a major story breaking. This is where we chose to place the information. <<<>>>

Our we going to be 100% -No Our we antigovernment -No, governemnet may be too big, bureaucratic, and slow to react to our wishes, but at least it listens, try the third world-we have and we didn't like it. Frankly, we hope we misread the data and wind-up making fools of ourselves. We are sure the Dee Cee food bank would like our donation in Feb 99 if everything goes okay. However we aren't going to risk that. <<<>>>

About disclosure. At no time was any FOUO or classified placed in this forum- at least not by us. <<<>>>

"Sincere" was the closest of any person, group, whatever on this forum. <<<>>>

The information is there, trust your intuition, act accordingly. The people in charge are scared folkes, don't rock the boat, I'll hug my laptop all night, please dear God don't let this happen. <<<>>>

The sum of all answers is this: The world as we know, the power base as we know it, the economic and political systems as we know it are in twilight. <<<>>>

We are signing off, we will be lurking and releasing info as we can. We will have a new name. Diane, send us an e-mail if you don't mind, you will be our verification source when we reappear. <<<>>>

-- c4i (c4ixxx@hotmail.com), June 11, 1999.

R.A. Mann

-- R.A. Mann (ramann@hotmail.com), June 11, 1999.

Damn html ! Ill try again.

cee-four-eye... You have excited a bunch of excitables.... so what? You have given nothing to these folks that couldn't be found in a couple of hours.

You wrote-

We don't, generally, reuse outlets for information-bad karma. No, there will not be a major story breaking. This is where we chose to place the information. --That's because there IS no story and you never contacted anyone.--

Our we going to be 100% -No Our we antigovernment -No, governemnet may be too big, bureaucratic, and slow to react to our wishes, but at least it listens, try the third world-we have and we didn't like it. Frankly, we hope we misread the data and wind-up making fools of ourselves. We are sure the Dee Cee food bank would like our donation in Feb 99 if everything goes okay. However we aren't going to risk that. --We, we, we. Are 'we' so insecure? Do you think this tact will sell your image of being a spook? hardly.

About disclosure. At no time was any FOUO or classified placed in this forum- at least not by us. --And that's because you don't have any.--

"Sincere" was the closest of any person, group, whatever on this forum. ==Sincere didn't know what he was talking about. Arlin has worked to rid the patriot movement of the Neo-nazi skinhead factor. If he had comm with the FBI, it was to clean those white supremists up. You comment on the Constitution... cite the article that authorizes intelligence agencies.--

The information is there, trust your intuition, act accordingly. The people in charge are scared folkes, don't rock the boat, I'll hug my laptop all night, please dear God don't let this happen. --Good lord, people ! Do you REALLY think a legitimate spook would say this?? "Trust your intuition"?? --

The sum of all answers is this: The world as we know, the power base as we know it, the economic and political systems as we know it are in twilight. --Probably true, whether y2k or other factors. But this fellow is certainly no one to look to for vaild information. How about some authenticity, cee-four-eye??--

We are signing off, we will be lurking and releasing info as we can. We will have a new name. Diane, send us an e-mail if you don't mind, you will be our verification source when we reappear. --Jerking your collective chain... --

-- c4i (c4ixxx@hotmail.com), June 11, 1999.

R.A. Mann

-- R.A. Mann (ramann@hotmail.com), June 11, 1999.

Ditto to the "Twilight Zone" FM,

Well, I sent off another "e." They/he/she/it hasn't answered my last one, or a specific question to my satisfaction... yet.

Quien sabe?

As to the information posted, well, when I re-read the 60 minutes transcripts, and EVERYTHING else we've uncovered here about Y2K, the best conclusion I've seen so far is "No one knows."

The best recommendation... "Be prepared" for anything.


I have no idea if this group is "pulling the forum's leg" or not. The truth is... does it matter?


*Create Community, Prepare To Share, Be Y2K Aware*

-- Diane J. Squire (sacredspaces@yahoo.com), June 11, 1999.


With all due respect, get a grip! I was LOL at the responses to the trollish c4i! How much longer are you going to let "them" pull your chain?


-- Unc D (unkeed@yahoo.com), June 11, 1999.

Interesting to note the switch here to the oracular "We".

Reminiscent of what? or who? Heaven's Gate? Jim Jones? Elizabeth Clare Prophet? Zeta Talk?

c4i's pulling chains, all right.

-- Tom Carey (tomcarey@mindspring.com), June 11, 1999.

Ah, but Sir Tom, if a troll (or any other poster = whether y2kpro, y2kcon, or neutered) dumps in the woods, is the information deposited still true, false, or just smelly and deep be only buried so it decomposes into fertilizer?

Does it matter what he/she/it said - certain statements are blantantly wrong, but perhaps others are true. Maybe, but probably not. Are his/her/its conclusions good, bad, or just present - not of any value?

If you don't beleive this person, join me in a one-handed round of applesauce for his efforts to entertain, and waste too much time throwing rotten eggs at his distractions.

-- Robert A. Cook, PE (Kennesaw, GA) (cook.r@csaatl.com), June 11, 1999.

Hmmmm. Gotta move on, but I noticed something peculiar.

"Our we going to be 100% -No Our we antigovernment..."

"Our" = Are


"folkes" = folks - mispelled the same way in two different posts.

The interesting things is that these are "phonetic" spelling errors - not technical/keystroke errors. They are also typical of the errors produced by one of the new transcribing software packages.

So. Combine this with the occasionally stilted sentence structure, and I wonder if perhaps c4i uses english as a second language? Is she/she German, Russian or even Yugoslavian? Or is c4i simply not an English major from Georgetown?

Hmmm. I do suspect it's trollerey at it's best, but a new version:

The Anti-Troll Troll.

Lunch is over...

-- Lewis (aslanshow@yahoo.com), June 11, 1999.

Lewis - you might have a point - this from c4i last post

**try the third world-we have and we didn't like it**


-- justme (not@home.com), June 11, 1999.

Bet that transcription software can't misspell as fast as I can....

-- Robert A. Cook, PE (Kennesaw, GA) (cook.r@csaatl.com), June 11, 1999.

c4i and c41 are nothing but a TEASE. If they had real information they would have provided it in a more professional manner with ample verification for all. Failed to provide simple answer as AUTHENTICATION from first thread about our Commander in the Kosovo Conflict that anyone in DOD would have known or been able to locate quickly as verification! Bad spelling and grammer (we has been, and folkes) confirms that these are high schoolers with parents in the military or DOD. Entire exercise has been nothing but HOGWASH!!!

-- (snowleopard6@webtv.net), June 11, 1999.

Still donno.

We'll see what a publisher does.


-- Diane J. Squire (sacredspaces@yahoo.com), June 11, 1999.

I find it hard to believe that so many, what appear to be, intelligent individuals have fallen for this load of crap. I'm sorry folks, but this cat has taken yall for a RIDE!

Pretty damned gullible folks!! But entertaining nonetheless.......


-- Deano (deano@luvthebeach.com), June 11, 1999.


I'd forward disclosures to DOD with love!!!

-- (snowleopard6@webtv.net), June 12, 1999.

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