The exile dwindlement....... : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

Hi Davinci's Exilers. I have been getting tired with VP. I used to just come to Exile and chat here but no one is around anymore. I think that most of us have moved on a little and are somewhat busier now to spend time here. What puzzles me is that there aren't any new people replacing the old ones who have moved on. What is nice about exile is that it was always secluded and we can all talk to people we know and we aren't so lonely. I don't know. Notebook is where i have been going but it isn't really as peaceful and i do get a little fed up betimes. This brings me to wonder how people found out about Exile. More people need to know about it. What i want to know is how everyone found out about this room. Your input is appreciated! =) thanx -Buddym.

-- buddym. (, June 11, 1999


Night buddy - read what I posted in answer to the Why Exile question... : )

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, June 12, 1999.

Everyone thought they were so fetching and intelligent that mere mortals shouldn't be allowed to mingle with them. But as with anything that isn't given room to grow or breathe, it dies. *toast* to all of us great thinkers for suffocating the very life out of ourselves. Plus, not to be mistakenly mean, when newcomers do drift into the room they are ignored until they leave usually. I don't believe there is a way to pump new life into the room, it lived out it's course.

-- Zen (, June 16, 1999.

Well, I don't know about you Zen but I try to at least say hi to anyone who comes into a room where I am and I try to engage them in conversation or share avs or gestures with them. I'm open to any suggestions as to more ways to welcome people. : )

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, June 18, 1999.

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