Morning Show "Today" - NBC will discuss Y2K - Tues. Morning : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Hi all, just wanted to breeze in and put this up in case anyone missed the short topic announcements on the tube (I usually do, but happened to catch this one).

Hope all the debate has still been churning. Mrs K and I have been planting everything under the sun (pun), and we've just gotten our vacumn sealer for food storage. EXCELLENT device. We can vacumn pack medicines as well as foods. We saw a trick where you put chicken, beef, or turkey broth in ice cube trays, freeze'em, then pop them in a zip bag for the freezer, ready to use. It works a LOT better with the vacumn bagger.

More later - we'll be checking in. I'm still digging out the storm shelter ;-) but we're getting so much more done here. We are pleased with the physical progress. Mrs K. says hello to everyone.

-- Mr. Kennedy (, June 14, 1999


Thanks for the heads up! (And the update).

Also happy playing in the dirt and making marvelous "mud pies."


-- Diane J. Squire (, June 14, 1999.

Glad to hear your update! Unfortunately am at work, so missed the Today Show... What kind of vacuum sealer did you get and where did you get it?

-- Libby Alexander (, June 15, 1999.

Hey, Mr. K-

Been missing your voice of sanity.

Thanks for the heads up. Linda

-- newbiebutnodummy (, June 15, 1999.

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