DVCAM and Mini DV compatibility?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Shooting DV Films : One Thread

I'm looking to buy two DV video cameras, the Sony VX-1000 (Mini DV format)and the Sony PD-100(DVCAM format). I understand they record at different speeds. Could that be a problem when I try to edit footage together on my computer editing software?

I'm planning on buying a Editing suite package from ProMax that will come with a complete editing suite that will also include the PD-100. I have the VX-1000 ordered already, and am worried that the two cameras won't be compatible.

-- MacKenzie Scott (macbaker@concentric.net), June 18, 1999


I've been using Sony DSR-200 DVCAM and VX1000 DV camcorders with a ProMax turnkey Mac-based Premiere NLE system.....everything works fine together.

I've used MiniDV footage in Premiere right alongside the DSR200 footage, and once the video is captured into Premiere, they're indistinguishable from one another as far as the editing or anything else goes - the DSR200 uses the same CCDs and lenses as the VX1000, so the video is identical. The only difference that's glaringly obvious to me is some more pixel "blockies" artifacts on the MiniDV video- which shows up only during shuttling the tape, not at normal speed.

The only drawback is that I either have to have the VX1000 around (not always around, since it's borrowed) to edit from when I have to go "fast and dirty" with cuts-only editing via FireWire to the DSR-30 deck......the DSR200 won't accept MiniDV cassettes, and the DSR- 30 has to be the "Master" deck, so I have to make DVCAM work dubs if I can't keep the VX1000 around for the edit. Which is OK, but for a guy like me who started with 3/4", it's still difficult to realize the the digital video REALLY DOES hold up through multiple generations.

Hope this helps you out. Say hello to Paco, Mike and Milton at ProMax for me.....the system has been sufficiently trouble-free that I haven't spoken to them for a while.

For which they're probably thankful....had a few "growing pains" when I first got the system, I bugged Milton a LOT......


-- Ron Gull (rsgull@netscape.net), June 28, 1999.

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