Newbies - essential reading : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

For all those who have recently arrived, this thread is essential reading. The illness that has infected the Doom Zombie brigade is well illustrated here. If you think they only have extreme views on one subject...heh,heh.

-- Y2K Pro (, June 20, 1999


Newbies might also want to check out the places where Y2K Pro's friends hang out -- (Debunking Y2K forum -- be sure to read about "memes" -- the "illness that has infected the Doom Zombie brigade" -- in the links at the top of the main page)

and (Gary North is a Big Fat Idiot forum)

Wear a plastic poncho and safety glasses to protect yourself from the foaming and frothing.

-- OutingsR (us@here.yar), June 20, 1999.

Y2K not a Pro troll... why don't you just go back home to your Debunker rock?

Yes, some posts are over the top (OT) but that's what makes this a unique place to be... sometimes. (Sans trolls and repeat hecklers would be nice too).

For newcomers...

At the top level of the TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) there is a link that reads About if you click there youll link to Brians Preparation Archives.

Out of the massive Forum archives... difficult to access without a search engine... hes been compiling the whats important about preparation and what you need to know posts.

About... policy.tcl?topic=TimeBomb%202000%20%28Y2000%29

Its another good place to check out prep info.


-- Diane J. Squire (, June 20, 1999.

The thread at this link shows Y2K Pro opening his mouth and inserting foot.

-- (who@what.where), June 20, 1999.


I didn't realize that Brian's excellent archive folders were on that About button. Terrific. Glad to see there is some extra help available in a more user friendly way. And Brian, keep up the good work!

-- Gordon (, June 20, 1999.


Several regulars are working on additions to make prep & community information and discussions even more accessable to newcomers. Stay tuned. Also try one of BiGDog's chat sessions. Fun!

Preparing to one's comfort and local Y2K expected impact levels, is what IS important.

Ignore the trolls... they're unimportant.


-- Diane J. Squire (, June 20, 1999.


Lest you take "Y2KPro" too seriously, you should know:

He's a Closet Wacko From Waco on, "A Mission From God" (his own words) and is always right. . .

Here is an example. Although originally couched in sarcasm, the illness motivating this character is apparent.

I heard that the UN troops along the Mexican border considered wild dogs as delicacies - so, no need to worry. When TSHTF we will be secure in the knowledge that Spot will be providing sustenance to the NWO.

-- Y2K Pro (, March 16, 1999.

Here's another:

I'll be laughing at the death lovers cowering in their bunkers from the middle of Waco Texas.

-- Y2K Pro (, May 31, 1999.

-- Hardliner (, June 20, 1999.

Y2K Pro,

Have another donut.

-- SgtSchultz (, June 20, 1999.

The difference between me and a Doomer (aside from the fact I come out in the sunlight and I don't drool...) is that I do not proselytize for any religion. Doomers, by nature, insist that you must be a "True Believer" in the Cult of Doom.

When one of these bright lights (like Andy or Hardliner or Will Not Think...) start talking about their poison contrails or their Y2K concentration camps, ask yourself "am I actually going to take advice from one of these kooks?"

and then there is the prince of Kooks himself

"So, of course I want to see y2k bring down the system, all over the world. I have hoped for this all of my adult life." -- Gary North

-- Y2K Pro (, June 20, 1999.

Congrats Y2K Pro you went almost a day and a half without posting the quote from GN. Have another donut.

-- SgtSchultz (, June 20, 1999.

Y2K Pro,

I have never responded to any of the threads you have initiated.

Those who know me from this forum know that I am here to learn, and share whatever knowledge I have gleaned about the "Year 2000 Computer Problem" from what I believe to be reputable sources.

Over the past few months I believe I may have offered something of substance to this forum--at the very least--my transcription of the May 23, 1999 "60 Minutes" report on Y2k, as well as a transcription of two hours of oral testimony presented at the U.S. Senate Special Committee on the Year 2000 Computer Problem's Hearing on Community Preparedness, on May 25, 1999.

You, on the other hand, seem to have offered nothing but your smarmy opinions, which apparently include your perception that everyone who frequents this forum (lurkers and posters alike) is a member of--as you describe it--the "Doom Zombie brigade."

Since you initiated this thread for "newbies" (and there will likely be more of them in the months to come) I think it is important to note that were it not for this forum, I would not know what I now know about simple, prudent preparations for any type of emergency that might involve the loss of electricity, water, or natural gas.

Examples: three weeks ago, a large city close to me lost its supply of clean water for nearly two weeks. Last week, a number of homeowners in a small town in my state experienced fires in their basements because of a snafu in natural gas distribution.

Had it happened here, I would have had clean water stored, and I now know I need to learn how to shut off the natural gas to my water heater and furnace in the basement.

Will I ever need to use that water? I dunno. Will I ever need to shut off the natural gas flow to my basement appliances? I dunno.

What I DO know is that you appear to be using this forum for your own entertainment, while others have gleaned valuable information here.

While you certainly have the right to use this forum any way you see fit, I think you could make better use of your time.

It would be nice if you went away.


-- FM (, June 20, 1999.

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