Circus Redickuless: The Movie : LUSENET : Cacophony : One Thread

Hey everybody, Santa Filmo here. I directed a silly little movie which some of you may have already seen or not called Circus Redickuless. As the name suggests, I went on tour with Chickens circus and made a movie about it. So....

June 25 at 11:55 pm at the Roxie Theater it will be playing for one night only. Come on over and check it out, I'll be there as well as Chicken and there will be a brief (very breif) circus performance to set the mood for the film. Feel free to heckle or through rotting fruits at either of us.

Hope to see some of you there.

Filmo Director of Circus Redi

-- Filmo (, June 20, 1999


it's been a while since i've seen the gang....tell chicken that rachael from houston sends her devoted thoughts and the way, tell him that i am moving to new jersey in august. he will appreciate it, i hope! let him know that i will always help, anytime! give him my email, won't cha? we've lost touch. wish i could see the movie. i bet it's just super! Thank you so much!!!! love and best of luck, Rachael Ribble

-- rachael ribble (, June 01, 2000.

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