Santa Rosa needs your active help : LUSENET : Sonoma County : One Thread

About five Santa Rosans meet Monday and a week ago Monday to organize themselves for engaging Santa Rosa Citizens toward greater neighborhood and community activity. It has been very difficult to make the first step. Should 138,000 citizens continue to be educated about the infamous "Y2K", should the citizens create a network of neighborhood parties as a way to get to know your neighbors, should the education be conducted at coffee shops or at the thursday night market? The intention behind nearly six hours of discussions has been, "for the public well being".

As an invited "out of town advisor", I have taken note that many many people want to be included in the effort. There are also many ways to skin a cat or educate the citizenry.

I urge everyone that stopped by the y2k booth at the Health and Harmony Fair to contact Jean Wasp at, Christine Johnson at 975-8493, Brad Larsen (575-3061), or John Antree at 544-0468 and tell them where you live and how you would like to help. Alan Jones is also providing a prespective on how to move forward. There are a few others working on this project that will become engaged soon, too.

There are many hands and there are many ways to engage each other and these folks need your immediate assistance , your perspective, your wisdom, and your humanity.

I have provided an approach but must return to my town of Sebastopol to extend our 21% "of the population working toward community preparation. I wish you well and urge you to contact them soon as block leaders or as important individual familys' ready to prepare. Good luck to you all. Fred

-- fred beeler (, June 23, 1999

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