gospel music vis-a-vis ecumenism

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

I'm working on my thesis regarding the role of gospel music in promoting ecumenism. Please give suggestions or opinions regarding this matter. Thank You.

-- gilbert segarra (lvmcmf@csi.com.ph), June 27, 1999



As a musician who plays classical guitar I hope to be able to somehow help you onthis subject. Music is in it's nature a universal language understood by young and old alike.

As our understanding of that language grows we are able to have isight into other cultures expression of emotions and thoughts. We in European mode are most familiar with a form of music which we have been acustomed to through exposure. When we begin to listen to other cultures eg: Far Eastern Islamic Oriental Aboriginal if fortunate we are able to grasp the meaning(s) of.

When you say Gospel are you referring to American Gospel being an integration of African/Blues/folk integration? This to me is Gospel music. Please define in your own words gospel. Peace - Jean B.

-- jean bouchard (jeanb@cwk.imag.netj), June 28, 1999.

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