A Big THANK YOU To The Master HTML Wizard... Critt!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) Forum Moderators : One Thread

He figured out how to delete a frozen, troll original HTML trash post, that locks up the ability to delete it or post any responses to a sub-thread.

Kudos... Critt!

And Thank You.


-- Anonymous, June 29, 1999


For the how to...

 From the Administration page:
 Choose "threads" from the "visit the administration page
 Select the thead or response title (not "delete")
 In the text box, delete everything (i put in a space, i don't think you can leave the box empty)

Then you can go back and delete.

(Q&A is the traditional area for delete... Threads.. which Tom Carey is familiar with... are the "old" way).


-- Anonymous, June 29, 1999

Hey, I'm out of the "thread" trap now. Somebody suggested a different URL, and it works just fine.

-- Anonymous, July 01, 1999

Great Tom!

Slowly we're learning how to drive this thing. Maybe training wheels can come off soon?



-- Anonymous, July 01, 1999

Moderation questions? read the FAQ