AC Adapters : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Could someone tell me if there is an AC Adapter that would work with the Kodak DC240Zoom bsides the one that Kodak offers on there web page. TIA

-- paul courtney (, July 01, 1999


In November 2003, i rang kodak australia and they wanted about $70 for an adaptor so i went to dicksmiths electronics and purchased the plug to fit in to an adaptor(i had the adaptor but no plug to fit a kodak cx6230) I pluged it in to the camera and it would not work unless i had batteries in the camera and even then their were line accross the screen and when i went to take a picture the screen went strange. The camera still works, so yes it worked but no it does not, so i decided to stick to rechargable batteries. i gues i will have to buy the AC adaptor from kodak.

cheers john

-- Jo (, January 03, 2004.

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