Water emergency blamed on new "compliant" system

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Channel 4, the local NBC affiliate in Milwaukee, reported tonight that the New Berlin water shortage was due to new Y2k-compliant computer problems. The only online story I found doesn't mention this fact, and the local rag, not surprisingly, hasn't touched it.

BTW, New Berlin is a Milwaukee suburb in Waukesha county which is rather affluent.


Computer causes water emergency NEW BERLIN, July 7  Residents in New Berlin have water problems. The citys computer that operates its water system shutdown Tuesday night leaving the citys water supply weakened. Because of the loss of water pressure the City of New Berlin has banned all lawn sprinkling. The city has also banned car washing, and has asked all commercial car washes to shut down until further notice. Officials dont know when the water problem will be resolved.

-- Steve (hartsman@ticon.net), July 07, 1999



I hate to dismiss this as minor, but I will. Here in Texas, we regularly have droughts that lower the water supply. We're not allowed to water lawns, wash cars, etc. during these periods. The folks in Berlin still have water to drink, and once the system is corrected they can be more assured of having water to drink next year.

-- Anita (spoonera@msn.com), July 08, 1999.


Now that I live up here, I can state FOR THE RECORD that we've been NECK DEEP IN RAIN ALL SPRING. (Last weekend one are got 9" on ONE DAY!)

You can't compare the semi-arid regions (like TX) with "up here" in the "Land of 10,000 lakes".


-- Dennis (djolson@pressenter.com), July 08, 1999.

computer causes emergency nuff said shades of the future

-- h (h@h.h), July 08, 1999.


Sorry about WHAT? If you folks are knee-deep in rain, why would anyone (even in an affluent suburb) worry about an inability to sprinkle their lawns or wash their cars? It's a TEMPORARY problem that will be resolved. You have water from your tap to drink just as we do during droughts. Am I missing something?

-- Anita (spoonera@msn.com), July 08, 1999.

Yes, Anita, you did - in particular, "The citys computer that operates its water system SHUTDOWN". We all experience the occasional low flow problem caused by drought or excessive demand (e.g., everyone trying to water their lawns during a heat waive). Low flow is not the problem that a potential Y2k-induced NO flow could be. No flow could be fatal. It is the no flow scenario that people are preparing for, just in case.

-- Brooks (brooksbie@hotmail.com), July 08, 1999.

Low supply due to drought is entirely different from low pressure due to computer failure. The good news for New Berlin is that their system shut down and they still have water to drink. The bad news for the everyone is that a supposedly fixed system shut down the water system. I remember when people were scoffing at the mere possibility that y2k could cause such problems.

-- Shimrod (shimrod@lycosmail.com), July 08, 1999.

It was a new installation...Y2k compliant or NOT. New installations (at least in MY experience) take a while to correct.

My water supplier utility has already installed a Y2k compliant version with no more shortages than normal. Do I count on it to work perfectly after roll-over? Of course not. That's why prudent folks store water. Are we all on the same page of the hymnal now?

-- Anita (spoonera@msn.com), July 08, 1999.

Actually Anita, it appeared to me that you had dropped your hymnal and you need to be more careful about bending over when picking it up in the future. (vulnerable positions are difficult to defend)

-- Will continue (farming@home.com), July 08, 1999.

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