New Forum Posting Guidelines - amendment suggestion. : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Here are the forum guidelines, as posted by the forum sysops some days hence. In the light of my experience in this forum over the past week, I would like to suggest the following amendments (in bold below) in order that the guidelines truly represent the nature of the forum.

I post this in NO WAY to provoke animosity but simply to ensure that in future, accusations of hypocrisy cannot be levied at the sysops of this forum regarding the interpretation of the "rules" and their administration. For evidence to support my reccommendation, I have included a link to a thread where the simple failure of the sysops to apply the current rules is unarguably proven.

Amendment follows.

This forum has become exceedingly busy in the past couple of months, and there is a great deal of duplication of questions and answers. This makes it difficult for visitors to sort through the blizzard of postings to find something useful.

PLEASE check recent questions and postings before you decide to post a new question of your own.

TimeBomb 2000 Forum Posting Guidelines:

 Y2K--preparation and related issues based on an assumed impact of Y2K of 7 or greater --are the ONLY PERMITTED discussion topics  Challenge posts with facts or reasoned arguments--try to avoid flames unless of course you are challenging the opinion of a 7 or less poster, in which case, do whatever you like. But anyway, if you disagree with the 7+ forecast for Y2K, dont bother posting here because you are not welcome  If you have nothing of Y2K value to say or your opinion reflects an impact of less than 7 --lurk dont post, or in the latter case, preferably dont visit this forum at all .  Post using your own name or handle--stealing may result in deletion unless you are a regular, and forecast a 7+, in which case do whatever you want because its ok.  Once 3-5 regular yourdonite posters request DELETE--pointless threads may be removed but only if they're from persons forecasting less than a 7, or questioning the validity of a pessimistic post.  Refrain from using profane/obscene language--or post will be deleted unless youre a 7+ in which case its fine (see above)  Dont feed the trolls--please unless theyre yourdonite trolls, in which case rally round them with cries of agreement at every opportunity.  Delete assessment of TBY2K SYSOP(s)--is final and of course, its only going to happen to those terrible 7 or less "pollies"

Problems? Help? Notify Moderators or Sysops at: unless youre someone we think is a polly, in which case go boil your head

URL for supporting thread. -

NOTE: Anyone who considers the above thread acceptable, please ignore this suggestion, you couldnt be expected to know fair play if it smacked you between the eyes.

Kind Regards


-- W0lv3r1n3 (, July 08, 1999



apparently cutting and pasting a bullet-point list from this forum to the submission box is not the best way to duplicate the list.

Go figure.

The data remains unaffected.


-- W0lv3r1n3 (, July 08, 1999.

Here is a good idea. GET A LIFE!

-- Y2K Pro (, July 08, 1999.

go boil your head !!!!bwahahaha!what a great dig!oh,jeeze,LOL!!

-- zoobie (, July 08, 1999.

Let me ask you something Wolverine --

So you post hamburger recipes to Hindu forums?

How about the teachings of Jesus to Jewish forums?

If you invite abuse, you shall receive it.

I have yet to see a post deleted simply because it was posted by a "polly". If that were true, we would never see Cess Poole's crap.

Quit whining about how badly you are being mistreated, you're asking for it. What does this thread have to do with Y2K preparations, anyway? If you want real abuse, post a doomer position on the Debunker's joke of a web site.

-- ariZONEa (, July 08, 1999.

The real Y2K Pro would never use a tired cliche like "GET A LIFE!". But since my impersonator is a Doomer, the sysops will do nothing about it - hence the validity of your post.

-- Y2K Pro (, July 08, 1999.

About the TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) Forum

Founded by computer expert and noted author, Ed Yourdon:

This forum is intended for people who are concerned about the impact of the Y2000 problem on their personal lives, and who want to discuss various fallback contingency plans with other like-minded people. ...

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Nuf said.

Diane, still a "5"

-- Diane J. Squire (, July 08, 1999.


You are correct W0lv3r1n3, we are hypocrites.

-- Y2K Pro (, July 08, 1999.

The real Y2K pro would never use the word translation for the fact the boy does'nt know how to spell a word that big.

O.J. Not guilty!! Let's golf.

-- O.J. (, July 08, 1999.

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