Ever coined a phrase?

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Hi Pamie,

Is there a phase that you "think" you've coined? Now I'm not trying to be a smart-Alec, it's just that I thought I had coined a phrase or two in the past but could never really convince myself it was true. How about you?

-- Anonymous, July 08, 1999


I coined a great one when I was younger and going out and getting pissed all the time -

Go Hard or Go Home.

It is singly inappropriate to my lifestyle these days. I do go home, and then I do a bit of cross stitch in the evening before having a nice hot cup of tea and an early night. This is married life at it's most content.

-- Anonymous, July 09, 1999

I'm not so good at coining phrases... I'm pretty good at keeping a catchphrase alive.

Eric, however, is quite good at coining little phrases. He'll say them all the time and you find yourself doing them. Then someone will turn to you and say, "What does that mean?" And you'll find that you'll have to say, "I don't know."

Example: playing poker, during the betting, if the current bet is a nickel, Eric will toss in his nickel and say, "I'll be nickelito."

Last night he wasn't at the poker game, but I heard "nickelito" about seventeen times.

-- Anonymous, July 09, 1999

Actually I have coined many a clever phrase over the years....but I'm not gonna say them here because the next thing you know one of my friends will be reading this, and all of a sudden, just'out of the blue' one of them will decide that they were the originator of that particular gem. Dopes.

The moments when I really shine is when I channel that road rage into something productive.----Like inventing interesting new names or descriptive phrases for passing motorists, bicyclists, pedestrians, dogs, small children, and the cop who is pulling me over. One positive aspect is that the police officer can't understand why my wife is hyperventilating between laughs...so sometimes he gives me an escort to the ER.

-- Anonymous, July 13, 1999

OK, well other people may be using this, but I am trademarking it (for real) because my friend and I are determined to make this the next "Where's the Beef?"

Get ready, because our phrase will be the next big thing....

"Put Some Steak On It!!"

Apparently my friend said in the trailer to the movie "Trippin'" someone says this, and we adopted it as our own for ANY situation. As in:

Adam: "We goin' drinking tonight?" ME: "Put some steak on it!"

Adam: "I'll be there in a minute!" Me: "Put some steak on it!"

Adam: "Look at that butt on her!" Me: "Put some steak on it!"

So anyway, I encourage all of you to use the phrase, and at some point down the road we'll come up with the marketing plan for some "PSSOI" teeshirts, like we have. But everyone use it so when the shirts are out everyone wants one.

-- Anonymous, July 14, 1999

oh yeah. I've coined a few, the best of which ended up in a script two friends of mine wrote (and just filmed)...

You're fucking with my chi.

-- Anonymous, July 15, 1999

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