ANOTHER VIRUS WARNING!!! : LUSENET : Sonoma County : One Thread

Passing it on.

"WARNING: If you receive an e-mail with a file called California, do not open the file. The file contains the WOBBLER virus. This information was announced yesterday morning from IBM; AOL states that this is a very dangerous virus, much worse than "Melissa," and that there is NO remedy for it at this time. Some very sick individual has succeeded in using the reformat function from NortonUtilities causing it to completely erase all documents on the harddrive.

It has been designed to work with Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer. It destroys Macintosh and IBM compatible computers. This is a new, very malicious virus and not many people know about it. Pass this warning along to EVERYONE in your address book and please share it with all your online friends ASAP so that this threat may be stopped. >> >>Rick Mayoral >>Lindstrom Mayoral Consulting Group, LLC >>phone............415-837-1575 >>fax................415-837-1574 >>web..............www.LMCG.c

-- Jean Wasp (, July 16, 1999


The California (WOBBLER) virus is a HOAX!!! Visit and bookmark: then click on "Virus Hoaxes".

If you receive a message regarding an alleged virus, make sure you confirm that it is a legitimate virus before you begin spreading the word. Thank you.

-- Rich Poremba (, July 17, 1999.

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