Chat, Prepare and Recover: Update on Our Y2K Internet Activities : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

The real-time Y2K CHAT sessions that I sparked several months ago are in gear and moving forward steadily, generally once or twice a week. We have discussed topics ranging from the markets to gardening, security, generators and community teaming. If you are interested in joining us, send me an email and I'll tell you how.

The Y2K PREP forum that is sister to this one is now solidly established and is receiving between 10 and 20 new threads a day. The prep forum link is posted in the "About" link to this forum, should you ever forget.

Just recently, I have secured "" with the intent of building a Web site that might help all of us, as well as communities and corporations (remember, I am a techie), RECOVER after rollover. Whether Y2K is a "4" or a "9", there will be months and/or years of recovery that will require the best efforts of millions of people around the world. I can't yet give a date on when this Web address will be operational, since it partly depends on my deciding that sleep is an unnecessary part of life.

Thanks to all of you who have participated so far, both CHATting and PREPping. I have been the winner from your spirit of community.

I pray that Y2K recovery ends up being minimal, but assisting societal and technical recovery (ie, FOF), since we are already beginning to enter the singularity, is as prudent and responsible as pre-prepping for Y2K impact.

-- BigDog (, July 21, 1999


I want to thank you, Big Dog, for your devotion to others which is so evident in the conducting of these forums...and your lack of sleep in doing the hard work. I cannot tell you how much it has meant to me to have this resource, and recourse, during these difficult prep days. When history looks back, you will be one of the heroes of the time, along with Ed Yourdon and others who cared about John Q. Public. May God bless you and yours for your untiring efforts.

-- Elaine Seavey (, July 21, 1999.


Kudos and many thanks for your efforts. Your cause is admirable, your position is affable, and FOF if laughable. How about LOFOF = Last Out Fix On Failure! Pronounced "loaf of"; ....sny. "load of"

-- Michael (, July 22, 1999.

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