nobody... Recipient names must be specified : LUSENET : S-Mart Shopping Cart : One Thread


I'm getting the following error when sending the order, it gets to teh sales email address but does not get to the customer

nobody... Recipient names must be specified

Also how do you make the bit just after you've submitted the order give you a tracking number insted of a link to teh smarttrack.cgi?


-- sam (, July 26, 1999


Hi, If you edited the "order.html" and changed the "realname" or the "email" field that might be your problem. Do not use "smartrack.cgi" has a security problem. Use "smartadmin.cgi" works the same. Just change any smartrack to smartadmin and you do not need the cookie file. To remove the smartrack link put a comment mark # in front of the print statement. Find this line. if ($usetrack eq 1) { print "
Track an Order
\n"; } Change to this. if ($usetrack eq 1) { # print "
Track an Order
\n"; } The tracking number will be the order number at the top of the e-mail. Jim

-- James L. Farmer (, July 31, 1999.

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