Before the NERC to DOE report comes out, you should be aware of this. : LUSENET : Electric Utilities and Y2K : One Thread

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This is the "Highlights" of the MAIN region Security Coordinator Subcommittee Meeting of January 26-28, 1999. Keep that January date in mind.

Under the Y2K paragraph you can find, "Also, NERC will inform DOE in July 1999 that: 1) we are ready for Y2K, 2) some known exceptions exist, and 3) we have contingency plans in place."

Isn't it nice [a little irony there] that the NERC regions knew the basic message of the July (Aug.3) report to the DOE at least six or seven months before it was going to be given?

-- Anonymous, August 02, 1999


Why didn't NERC just "inform" DOE of that in January, then?

-- Anonymous, August 02, 1999

(Smack on the forehead): "I know how they did it--they called the Psychic Hotline!"

-- Anonymous, August 02, 1999

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