Where do I start??

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Doula.Com General Discussion : One Thread

I've just recently heard about Doulas, and I'm really excited about it!! I have three children of my own, and in the past year I've attended 2 other births of good friends. What an awesome experience to be on the other end of things!! I am really interested in becoming a Doula. I'm not sure where to even begin... I live in Melbourne, Florida. Do I need to attend a special school or classes?? About how much does it cost to become a certified Doula??Should I talk to my own Midwife about it??Thanks for the advice, I appreciate it.

-- Kristen Mary Phillips (gtphillips@juno.com), August 05, 1999


Hi Im in the same place as you. The woman who gave me advice where to start said she started with a workshop.. Its over approximately 2 days and approximately 250.00 or so.. You can contact Dona...Doulas of North America or Alace or Icea.. There might even be a few other organizations out there for dates of workshops and what it takes to get certified through them. They all have websites. Check them out they are very informative. There are certain steps that you have complete in order to be certified and it is different for each organization. You also have required reading. All this is listed on the different website. You dont have to be a certified to be a Doula but it sure helps. Also your midwife might have some advice for you. I have started my training yet but I have gathered all the info and Im going to try and attend the workshop that is going to be held here in the city I live in in the fall. Then Im going to go woth Donas certification. I hope this helps. You can always e-mail with any questions and Ill try to help also there are tons of websites out there with tons of information. Thats what helped me alot. Im originally from Jacksonville, florida..and Now live in Edmonton,Alberta Canada.I thought youd might like to know Im a fellow Floridian.

P.s I think I might have seens ome scheduled workshops listed for Melbourne on the Dona website.Good Luck!!

-- Leihan Pittman (Pittman@netcom.ca), August 06, 1999.

Hi, I am also in the Melbourne area and very interested in becoming a Doula (certified). Have you found the place to start? Please let me know what information you have obtained.

Thanks Hope to hear from you soon. Melissa

-- Melissa Harpold (Meliharp@aol.com), April 15, 2000.

HELP!!!!!!! I am on the Seattle Area, and I can't find anything on certification except for Bates tech. Are any of these organiztions located in Western Washingtion. Could you please check for me!!!!!!!!!! I am lost.

-- Neisha Benbow (Neisha7@yahoo.com), February 28, 2001.

HELP!!!!!!! I am on the Seattle Area, and I can't find anything on certification except for Bates tech. Are any of these organiztions located in Western Washingtion. Could you please check for me!!!!!!!!!! I am lost. Neisha Benbow

-- Neisha Benbow (Neisha7@yahoo.com), February 28, 2001.

Hi Ladies- DONA would be a great place to start for getting information. Go to http://www.DONA.com. They have everything you need to know and more (including upcoming doula trainings). As a sidenote, I'm hosting a DONA doula training with (the amazing) Kathy McGrath in Northern CA in June (22-24). It's very rare for her to make an appearance out here. If anyone has any family or friends out here...we would love to see you for the DONA training.

Stacey Goetz, CCE, CD (DONA), CLC

-- Stacey Goetz (sgoetz@sunset.net), March 01, 2001.

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