Nikon means "backordered" in Japanese? : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

I do not mean this as whining; I am quite genuinely concerned about the adviseability of building a system around a company that seems unable to keep up with demand. I'm looking for others' experiences in this regard. I've recently put a good deal of time and study into determining just what body and lenses would best suit my purposes, only to find when i started to place the order that much of what I had decided on was unavailable--even through the big guys like B&H, Camera World of Oregon, etc, much less my local dealers who as long as I've been going there have commented on their inability to get Nikon equipment on any consistent basis.

I wonder about the wisdom of becoming dependent on this company, not only in terms of new equipment availability but warranty repairs. How long would they keep a piece if you sent it in? And what about parts availability?

Is this a long-term problem or a recent development? What are the prospects for the future?

Any thoughts would be appreciated. Richard

-- Richard Evans (, August 10, 1999


I can feel your pain. At one point last year, I had to wait 5 months for a basic AF 50 1.8. Very painful.

Yet, I just picked up an F100 and 80-200 2.8 AFS. Both of which are supposedly hard to come by.

The difference from last year to this year is that last year I went to the big guys and this year I've started a great relationship with my local dealer.

Based on this experience, I now believe, Long Live the Local Guy.

Richard, even though they may have backorder problems, once in a while, I've got to tell you that Nikon makes some superior equipment (as you know or you wouldn't be buying it). I'd rather wait a little and get something superior than not wait and get something inferior.

It's kind of like waiting on a custom lab when you could just shoot a polaroid.

All that said, don't feel alone. We all get frustrated with waiting.

-- Habib (, August 10, 1999.

Even those of use who haven't bought Nikon equipment have suffered through this with other manufacturers. I just waited one month to get my Mitsubishi monitor repaired under warranty.

Nikon has been around for many decades, and many pros use nothing else. They must be doing something right, other than building great cameras and lenses, or their reputation would have tanked long ago.

-- Darron Spohn (, August 12, 1999.

Hi Richard, I waited 3 month for my MK-1 and I'm still waiting for a second (reserve) batterie magazin MS-6. You are not alone! Regards, Ralf.

-- Ralf Grambrock (, October 11, 1999.

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