it,s almost=midnight. : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

''the shrewd man saw trouble and took cover,the simple[un-wise] kept going and paid the penalty''=proverb,s 22:3-27:12 we are entering a time of troubles,such as the WORLD has never known.

-- a=word seeker. (, August 17, 1999


That's just simply not true.......

WWII, WWI, the plague, the dark ages, Stalin,......should I continue?

-- Craig (, August 17, 1999.

If you the 7,000 year plan of God and the "signs of the times", you would fully why we are entering times like this world has never known.....

This doesn't even include Y2K.....

-- Vernon Hale (, August 17, 1999.

If you understand the 7,000 year plan of God and understand the "signs of the times", you would fully understand why we are entering times like this world has never known.....

This doesn't even include Y2K.....

-- Vernon Hale (, August 17, 1999.

er-um, bro.have you read THE BOOK OF MATHEW LATELY? when has tHE WORLD experienced an earthquake 'felt WORLDWIDE?when have so-many cried=peace & safety WHEN IT,S THE opposite? when has the WORLD experienced=the time of trouble,never known since the beggining of time? just to list a few?---what about=beware of happy-face=prophet,s? not-to-argue, but i see it differently.when was the WORLD=SO INTERCONNECTED?--or do you see things getting=better? oh well time will-tell=SHORTLY.--p.s don,t tell me to eat-your-short,s-please.

-- agree-to-disagree. (, August 17, 1999.

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven

-- King James (, August 17, 1999.

Al do you want your phone number and your pathetic little plea to call collect to be posted again? It's been done once=it can be done again.

-- the devil made me do it (I'll do it, August 17, 1999.

hey devil-dude/dudett? - hope you got=fire insurance. a good =moderator knows how to handle it, like as if that is going to scare-me? i ain,t got nothing to hide=how about YOU & your fake=e-mail. what a=loser.

-- poor=devil. (, August 17, 1999.

Devil Listener, Al-D does not need threats, he needs reassurances.

His poor soul is in the grips of an anxiety attack, due to misinformation.

He believes what men have written eons ago, at a time when they didn't know the earth was round and couldn't explain a solar eclipes, so they fabricated fantasy tales to fill their knowledge gaps. Al-D needs to wake-up from his stuporous nightmare so he can see that it's not God who's unleashing his displeasure at him when there's a thunderstorm outside, it's just a violent reaction occurring when cold and hot air meet.

It's ok Al-D...there there...go back to sleep now, nothing will happen to you.

-- Chris (%$^&^, August 17, 1999.

Please delete this. I see nothing in this thread that anything to do with Y2K. AL in case you can't read this is a Y2K forum.

-- SgtSchultz (, August 17, 1999.

I agree Sgt. please delete

-- Johnny (JLJTM@BELLSOUTH.NET), August 17, 1999.


The forum regulars all know who is 'after' Al-d (besides the people from the home). Mr. Driscol has been a very bad boy and his religious rantings will not save him from the 'collectors'.

-- For (, August 17, 1999.

One of the first stumbling blocks that Westerners often encounter when they learn about Buddhism is the teaching on anatta, often translated as "no-self." This teaching is a stumbling block for two reasons. First, the idea of there being no self doesn't fit well with other Buddhist teachings, such as the doctrine of kamma and rebirth: If there's no self, what experiences the results of kamma and takes rebirth? Second, it doesn't fit well with our own Judeo-Christian background, which assumes the existence of an eternal soul or self as a basic presupposition: If there's no self, what's the purpose of a spiritual life?

-- Richard Noggin (, August 17, 1999.

GEE SARGE, i didn,t think you held=grudges.why do you peek=in at my post/question,s?---why don,t you flame 'those that post=other so-called=o.t. posts?---whewee, sarge will do great in the N.W.O.--SARGENT-SCHULTZ AT STALAG 20/20. sarge take a deep breath= god luv,s you & so do i. we,ll get it all worked out in the great bye & bye. YA GOTTA LOVE=IT.

-- YA GOTTA LUV=IT. (, August 17, 1999.

Unlike you Al I have never said I wasnt posting here again. Do you remember how many times you have said that AL? As always you will avoid that point. So what is your excuse Al? JESUS tell you to come back here. Hear that? Thats you trying to come up with a lame excuse why you are a liar!!

-- SgtSchultz (, August 17, 1999.

Careful there Sarge..

The Al-d & Budda show have been given favorite forum status and you could be wiped-out for flaming Mr. Driscol too fervently. You still enjoying the multiple Al-d postings, Chuck?

-- For (, August 17, 1999.

Al-d, I would assume that you profess to be a religious person. If so, here is a prayer you might consider to start your day:

Lord, keep me from the habit of thinking I must say something on every subject and on every occasion.

Release me from craving to straighten out everybody's affairs.

LTeach me the glorious lesson that occasionally it is possible that I may be mistaken.

-- Nadine Zint (, August 17, 1999.

geesh, i didn,t know that changing=ones mind, is the un-pardonable=sin.HEY & what if the LORD by his spirit=told me not to cop=out. can,t we get along=lifes too short for bullcrap.hey i see things from a spiritual=perspective, is that a crime? anyhow=JESUS said if i,m ashamed of him, he,ll be ashamed of me, ON THAT=DAY. whom shall i fear=man-or=GOD?--I AIN,T PERFECT, BUT I AIN,T BLIND.

-- c,mon sarge, (, August 17, 1999.

Whoever had money on AL saying Jesus told him to come back here and post, wins the new Buick, please come by the office to pick up your prize.

-- SgtSchultz (, August 17, 1999.


-- Homer Beinfang (, August 17, 1999.

SARGE, if you,ll drive it out here, i,ll pay for the=GAS.I,LL EVEN GIVE YOU A FREE=PUPPY. and a big-feather-for your CAMPAIGN-HAT. ah HUMMMMMMMmmmmmm= i just disapeared.

-- WILLYU BE MY VALENTINE? (, August 17, 1999.

This thread is a waste of electrons. Moderators, please delete.

-- MinnesotaSmith (, August 17, 1999.

Please don't delete this post; I have never laughed so hard since I came here. This one is a=classic.

-- KoFE (your@town.USA), August 17, 1999.

A classic alright. We've had several disgusting trolls, a few psychotic trolls, one wise troll, and this bible thumper troll completes the pallet. If I like our wise troll dIEteR, I suppose the religious folks have Al.D as their pet troll.

-- Chris (%$^&^, August 17, 1999.

spEAk nOT oF dIETeR inFIdEL!!!!! HAVe yOu nOT beEn wARNeD????? hAS nOT diETeR BeEN awAkENeD enOUgH????? wHy mUSt yOu pICk At THe scAbbED- ovER EyES of DIEtER??????? evIL buZZaRd!!!!!! enOuGH!!!! nO KoOL-aiD For yOu!!!!!

-- Dieter (, August 17, 1999.

Al-d has been banned from Pastor Chris's site for some time. They seem to have higher standards over there and chased this fool away. You see, Mr. Driscol is somewhat of a scumbag that wouldn't pay his gambling debts and took the 'boys' to court for attempting to collect. The story is that he won a settlement of $11 million dollars (guess they were asking real hard for the money owed) but has yet to see a penny of it. He and his wife (Marianne) were pleading for the folks on Pastor Chris's site to pray for no avail. He is giving the hillbilly's of the world a bad name, not to mention the honest Christians of the world. Unfortunately, he has developed somewhat of a following on this forum and continues to pollute the threads at will. Kind of like waiting to see what the village idiot will do next....

-- (incase@u.missedit), August 18, 1999.


-- (incase@u.missedit), August 18, 1999.

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