are=G.I.s a chosen=people??? : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

honest=question, why did GOD allow you folk,s to be forewarned? & given so-much time to=prep. anyone thankfull? is there a greater purpose-hear? having gone thru 'the range of emotions, what is the reason. just=good-luck? just a hurray for me--the hell with you trip?? i kkep thinking of the=scripture=[to whom much has been given--much is required] how many will become=leader,s? in your community.

-- who=will=lead? (, August 17, 1999


Please delete. What does any of this have to do with Y2K?

-- SgtSchultz (, August 17, 1999.

let he has ears listen

-- King James (, August 17, 1999.

I agree Sgt. Please delete

-- Johnny (JLJTM@BELLSOUTH.NET), August 17, 1999.

let he who has ears, listen

-- King James (, August 17, 1999.

We believe that most of the main religions in this century teach all their followers how to live rightfully and harmoniously, to respect, to love and to trust their fellow human beings as well as those around them i.e. the animals and the environment.

Nevertheless there is one question that has always stayed deep inside us, which of them is the " Right Religion - which is universal, which is supreme, etc. etc.

And so doubts arise in us, we start to question the credibility of our own religion. Sometimes we are forbidden to question because it has thus been laid down all the time in this way....., and because my teacher and their teachers said so....., etc. etc.

In this first discussion, let's establish ourselves on how and when to accept what is true and what are not. The nature of the Buddhas teachings is such that none of his followers is expected to believe in him without having Right Understanding in his teachings.

The Buddha encourages us to test the truth he preached as the wise test the gold by burning, cutting and rubbing it against a piece of touchstone. So to say : you are to accept his words after examining them and not merely out of regards for him.

-- Richard Noggin (, August 17, 1999.

One of the first stumbling blocks that Westerners often encounter when they learn about Buddhism is the teaching on anatta, often translated as "no-self." This teaching is a stumbling block for two reasons. First, the idea of there being no self doesn't fit well with other Buddhist teachings, such as the doctrine of kamma and rebirth: If there's no self, what experiences the results of kamma and takes rebirth? Second, it doesn't fit well with our own Judeo-Christian background, which assumes the existence of an eternal soul or self as a basic presupposition: If there's no self, what's the purpose of a spiritual life?

-- RichardNoggin (, August 17, 1999.

"Remember, our purpose here is not to make more Buddhists; it is to make more enlightented beings. When you teach Buddhism, don't encourage people to become Buddhists; just encourage them to cultivate the qualities of love, compassion, universal responsibility and wisdom within themselves. If some special people with strong karmic connections want to formally become Buddhists then that is acceptable; but in general, the emphasis should be on a commitment to inner spiritual values, not to any specific religious tradition." - H.H. the Dalai Lama

-- Richard Noggin (, August 17, 1999.

So what's the answer, Richard? Is it that the "self" that takes birth and experiences karma is an aggregate, making the annatta doctrine essentially a statement that the "soul," while it exists and persists as an aggregate, is not an eternally or inherently existing entity?


-- Glasshoppa (hoppa@snatchthedharmafrommyhand.zen), August 17, 1999.

Dear noggin, which of your=no-self,s is posting here? I mean if your a non-entity, why do you follow me around? isn,t that kinda =selfish? let,s see AHUMMMM HUMMMM HUMMMM, yup that did i,m GONE.

-- YOWZA. (, August 17, 1999.

al-d, are the 7 Seals being opened?

-- none (none@none.none), August 17, 1999.

Ah yes , and the other, That the lord your God before the creation of the earth itself knew of your name and the count of hairs on your head, and if only a man could count the stars of the heavens and the grains of sand on all the beachs then he could count the lines of code that wont get repaired..

-- Les (, August 17, 1999.

er-um, dear=none@ none=none? i don,t know about the 7 seal,s ,but i sure been hearing in my spirit the # 7 alot lately.also sensing=that a big=showdown coming.I,M keeping my eyes, on the churches. i think the gig is up-on those that use the gospel=for personal=gain.SOMETHING-BIG is happening in heavenlies.

-- a living=self. (, August 17, 1999.

yes,simply the answer is yes , Was Noah ridiculed for being chosen. Other than his children he was told he was a nut , he made preperations .

if you beleave in the BIBLE than you must think about what is happing in these last days.

And no i cant spell i havent got time for that crap!! I need to make more preps...

-- Ron (, August 17, 1999.

How about going over to Pastor Chris' forum and ask these questions. His forum is religion oriented and you may have better dialogue over there. MTCW - nobody is chosen, I know several atheists who are prepared.

-- prepared one (, August 17, 1999.

there ain,t no athiests in foxholes.w.t.s.h.t.f. a whole lot of folk,s will have a change of=confession. GOD sent me here =like it -or -lump-it. i don,t take my marching-order,s from puny-mortal,s. and for all you flamer,s---your just=PROVING-A- POINT.

-- i ain,t hiding from no-one, (, August 17, 1999.

Richard I believe you have bumped your noggin. Take two aspirin, lay down, cool off, take two more aspirin for however else lives inside or outside of you, dream about the budda boy and get a life.

-- enough is (, August 17, 1999.

hey=even=bart-simpson=pray,s WHEN HE,S IN DEEP=DOO-DOO.

-- i luv yuz guy,s. (, August 17, 1999.

We can think and we scare easy.

Please delete.

-- FLAME AWAY (, August 17, 1999.

Al-d has been banned from Pastor Chris's site for some time. They seem to have higher standards over there and chased this fool away. You see, Mr. Driscol is somewhat of a scumbag that wouldn't pay his gambling debts and took the 'boys' to court for attempting to collect. The story is that he won a settlement of $11 million dollars (guess they were asking real hard for the money owed) but has yet to see a penny of it. He and his wife (Marianne) were pleading for the folks on Pastor Chris's site to pray for no avail. He is giving the hillbilly's of the world a bad name, not to mention the honest Christians of the world. Unfortunately, he has developed somewhat of a following on this forum and continues to pollute the threads at will. Kind of like waiting to see what the village idiot will do next....

-- (incase@u.missedit), August 18, 1999.


-- (incase@u.missedit), August 18, 1999.

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