
greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) Forum Moderators : One Thread

This snapshot, taken at the well-traveled Heathrow international airport, is nearly enough to instill a fear of flying into any geek's heart:

While this displays what is barely more than a screen saver crashing, one has to wonder....where else is Windows crashing today? <

-- Anonymous, August 18, 1999


argh... forgot already... anyone know where that other thread went?

this is from www.macosrumors.com today



-- Anonymous, August 18, 1999

This snapshot, taken at the well-traveled Heathrow international airport, is nearly enough to instill a fear of flying into any geek's heart:

While this displays what is barely more than a screen saver crashing, one has to wonder....where else is Windows crashing today?


-- Anonymous, August 18, 1999


Just gave you a new Mod Forum category... HTML Test Threads Threads... and put your threads there (so we can all find them).

(Also re-categorized the Uncatogorized Threads)


-- Anonymous, August 18, 1999

Thanks Diane : ) I'm a learnin... Mike

-- Anonymous, August 20, 1999

But Diane,

But London doesn't need a "test" subdirectory.....They're testing new software on-line at the airport - look: the failed screen is right next to the operating gate list - so how's come he can't test his software here? 8<)

-- Anonymous, August 26, 1999


I'd like to think the who world is... testing... right now. My fear is that many hve jumped from assessment over to contingency planning.

Test away Michael... I'm learn'n too.

But the way, my computer is acting "squirrelly"... got the Mac black screen of death a couple times this morning... not good. ;-(

I'll phone someone if I have to "go offline" for any extended period of time.


-- Anonymous, August 26, 1999


..."whole" world...

(Typing vit fumbl;e fingers)

-- Anonymous, August 26, 1999

Gotta see what this Board is gonna do to these symbols:

? Barely Scratched the Surface! ? Prep For Small Biz

-- Anonymous, October 13, 1999

!=!=!=!= !=!=!=!= != != != != != ???

-- Anonymous, October 14, 1999

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