MARP Tournament - what happens if there's a tie? : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

That last message I wrote made me think of something - what happens if there's a tie in this tournament? Should we call it a tie or should we do something to break the tie?

I await your responses... :)

-- Gameboy9 (, August 19, 1999


I know no one likes to have rules changed midstream...

But I propose that if there's a tie in total points then let's look at the # of games where the players got 1st. If still tied look at 2nd place finishes, etc, etc, etc.

So if by chance JoustGod and BeeJay finished tied, I'd say BeeJay wins the tourney because he has 4 1st place finishes vs. JoustGod's 1.

If people like this idea, we'll implement right away.

-- Pat (, August 19, 1999.


-- Q.T.Quazar (, August 19, 1999.

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