Pathetic School of Tailhook Flunkies : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

From: Y2K, ` la Carte by Dancr near Monterey, California

On Saturday, August 21st, "Woe Is Me" points out, in reaction to Jim Lord's posting of The Pentagon Papers of Y2K, that: Several of the utilities slandered by this sorry excuse for journalism have already replied that they weren't even contacted by the Navy. Is it supposed to comfort us to think that as late as June the military which is charged with protecting us is so incompetent as to not have been even really tracking this vital problem at all? Are the "people in the know" who are continually reassuring us that the country will soon be Y2K-OK, actually no better informed than this? ::: Horrified Look ::: You have got to be kidding!

"Woe Is Me" talks about Lords [sic] attempt to make a story out of a scratch pad. If the Navy's Utility Assessment were just the irrelevant make-work of a few lone flunkies, the Navy would go into scapegoat mode and thoroughly discredit some unlucky chump. I've got to think that there are too many people who were seriously using this sorry excuse for a master plan for ongoing so-called management of the problem, or at least pretending to do so, for this to be a workable cover-up solution. Instead, we see that the document, entitled Master Utility List, has been updated more often than monthly (June, July, Aug 3, Aug 20), at least lately. No, this was no scratch pad; it was the real thing. Instead of bothering to finish filling in the cells of that matrix they were polishing up their hilarious Y2K joke page.

Representatives of the Navy whine such cop-outs as, "But we can't force the private utility companies to report to us any more than their customers can get a straight answer out of them!" Sempur Fi? Wimpy Try! Everybody, WAKE UP!!!!!

Jim Lord, if you're reading, Thank You, from the bottom of my heart.

I've said more on this topic (seven posts thus far).

cc: All of my local friends and relatives

-- Dancr (addy.available@my.webpage.neener.autospammers--regrets.greenspun), August 23, 1999


I have tried all weekend to view the Master Utility List updated on Aug. 20, without success; am told it's because my Mac can't read the format.

Can anyone tell me what it says for the cities of Washington, DC, Baltimore and New York? There are alot of people who might find it interesting, considering how much national business and government could be impacted, along with local contingency plans in the smaller communities that line this tri-city corridor. One reporter alluded to 20 cities that are still "problematic" in the latest Master Utility List update, without mentioning WHICH cities, or any of the specifics about them.

Many thanks if you can help me out.

-- Frustrated (, August 23, 1999.

Oh, yeah, a "scratch pad". That they claim was on a public site. That's where I put all my works in progress...

-- Mara Wayne (, August 23, 1999.

The more they stir the pile of manure, the more it stinks.

-- h (h@h.h), August 23, 1999.


I was not trying to "comfort" anyone by pointing out the flaws in the data. What we need is objective analysis of real data. If you think Jim Lord should be praised for this self-serving fiasco he created then you are part of the Y2k problem not part of the solution.

There are doomer comments all over this forum complaining about the government unjustly lumping armed preparers in with armed terrorists. The same doomer blow-hards praise Jim Lord for his role in the slandering of numerous utilities and, by association, all the good citizens working to prepare the utilities for Y2k. If some of you tinfoils are falsely accused of terrorism in the spirit of the "ends justify the means" then ye have reaped what ye have sowed. Do two wrongs make a right? Is turnabout fair play? No and no in my book.

cc: All of Dancr's local friends and relatives.

-- Woe Is Me (wim@doom.gloom), August 23, 1999.

In case you missed this thread... its a key puzzle piece indicating the VERY real reaction that occurred... as an aftermath... by Koskinen and the Navy.

Ill vouch for Lewis. Hes always told the truth before, as a long- time poster here. (And researcher extraordinaire).


How did Koskinen hear about the Navy Document? I told him. 001HGi

-- Diane J. Squire (, August 23, 1999.

Woe is me :

In the face of this information, you have managed to review it with quiet grace and......dignity.

"I *don't* want to live! I DO *NOT* want to LIIIIIIVE!"

This behavior will get you nowhere. Far better to plan for the worst and hope for the best. Be thankful for men of honor, like Jim Lord. You would still be walking around with a deep sea fish hook in your lip otherwise.

-- Will continue (, August 23, 1999.


Thanks for the link to a very good discussion. I'll join the chorus in thanking you for your efforts in keeping things in order. Your job as moderator must be extremely challenging with folks so intent on making an enormous number of multiple threads on each major topic. Perhaps egos are getting in the way of discovery almost as much as innuendo is.

-- Woe Is Me (wim@doom.gloom), August 23, 1999.

From: Y2K, ` la Carte by Dancr near Monterey, California

I'm continuing this discussion a few threads up at: If Navy could not get answers earlier, where did early Rosy Scenario come from?. That thread has a much better title than this one that I came up with here.

-- Dancr (addy.available@my.webpage.neener.autospammers--regrets.greenspun), August 24, 1999.

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