Resources And Templates : LUSENET : Government & Military Y2K Planning & Implementation : One Thread

I am a senior systems analyst in a city of approx. 500,000. I am assisting in the y2k project and have found that many of our departments have 'glossed over' their contingency planning. Some of the items neglected were : notification of employees as to the status of work or no work, plans for identifying critical employees, resources for purchasing supplies in the immediate post y2k environment, etc. can anyone recommend a good template or site for our people


-- Sharon Schultz (, August 23, 1999



Though I believe your difficulties are deeper than a template or web site could remedy, a site with an excellent resource page can be found at: Click Here. They also have a booklet that can be downloaded which explains why contingency planning MUST be done that you can use for staff educational purposes.

Your note makes reference to another issue which others here may wish to comment on. The issue of staff co-operation or 'getting others with the program', to address a problem some don't quite grasp or recognize the seriousness or ramifications if there are system failures effecting the delivery of services.

You'll need firm leadership and support from both the elected officials and the executive strata of your community. If those key players aren't present for whatever reasons, you and your team may have to educate them first about Y2K before the staff really start working on the contingency plans in earnest.

I take it you've read Caper Jones paper on Municipal Contingency Planning found in the "Tools You Can Use" linked off of the main page of the New Millennium Salons (click 'Publisher'link above to go there).

Have you provided the people involved in your contingency plan the basics with which to work from? If not, you may have to check for understanding and educate them before moving forward constructively.


-- Gary Allan Halonen (, August 24, 1999.

More Resources And Templates

We'll leave this thread open for additional resources and templates that are specifically for government and military leaders that you can contribute to and use.

Here are more excellent resources;

Millennium Management Blueprint Presented by the Millennium Alliance.

Paula Gordon's Y2K White Paper

City of Portland Y2K Community Preparedness Plan

Global Action Plan's "All Together Now" A Municipal Y2K Community Preparedness Plan (Y2K Tools section)

City of Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. One of the most earliest-to-start and Y2K-advanced cities in the world. They have an excellent model Y2K information web site section which includes 40 slides outlining their program and a download-able City Emergency Plan (PDF).

-- Gary Allan Halonen (, August 27, 1999.

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