Can anyone refer me to a url for information on the y2k readiness of electrical power comapanies in the MAPP region, as well as the REC's readiness? : LUSENET : Electric Utilities and Y2K : One Thread

We are in the MAPP region and I'm trying to find information this areas y2k readiness., as well as the readiness of our local Linn County REC. I've been to the Edger search site and nothing comes up when I list them. Is there some regulatory site for REC's that would have this information? I've also tried to do Rick's risk assessment, but am having trouble finguring out the percentage of IPP's. Could they be referred to as another name or group? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Brenda Adams

-- Anonymous, August 27, 1999



What does MAPP stand for?

-- Anonymous, August 27, 1999

I am also in a Mapp area and would like to know the answer to Brend's question. According to my utility newsletter Mapp=The Mid-Continent Area Power Pool is a voluntary association of electric utilities that acts as an electric reliability council and also oversees the regional power grid to ensure safety and reliability of the electric trasmission system that covers Minnesota, Illinois, Iowa, North Dakota, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and portions of South Dakota , Montanta, and Illinois. Copied this information directly from newsletter. Hope this helps.

-- Anonymous, August 27, 1999

MAPP stands for Mid Continent Area Power Pool and it's one of the ten NERC Regional Councils. A map of all the Regional Councils can be found at:

This map has links to all the Councils' web sites. The MAPP website is at:

A list of all MAPP members is at:

Brenda, there are 15 (if I counted correctly) Cooperatives listed as members. A Yahoo search on Linn County (Iowa) has eight rural electric cooperatives listed in the phone book:

Central Iowa Power Cooperative, Farmer's Electric Co-Op, Tip Rural Electric Co-Op, Southeast Iowa Co-Op Electric Assn., Pella Co-Op Electric Assn., Chariton Valley Electric Co-Op, Southern Iowa Electric Co-Op and Dairyland Power Co-Op.

Once you have the names of your area's cooperatives (as well as all the MAPP member utilities)you can check each of their web sites for information, assuming they have web sites, of course. The easiest way to do this is to go to the Utility Connection at:

Scroll down to the bottom of the page to find the Table of Contents. There's a link there for Cooperatives (and other types of utilities)which has hot links to individual cooperative sites. There is also a link in the Table of Contents to Associations, with a further breakdown of National and State once you go to that page. NRECA is the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, which compiled data on cooperatives for NERC. I don't think you'll find specific status for individual cooperatives at NRECA, but they do have overview status info.

Finally, after a search through Iowa State documents, I found "Assessing Year 2000 Readiness Among Iowa Utility Companies" at:

There are hot links from this document to Y2K survey results, etc.

Hope this helps you, Brenda, and good luck!

-- Anonymous, August 27, 1999

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