Report from voluntary y2k assistance group : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

I'm a little bit reluctant to even post this; there are so many who will start setting up your battle lines, rather than just reading it and evaluating it. If you attack me for stating this, don't expect a response, 'cause you won't get one.

Enjoy. Al

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Y2K Global Readiness Survey Results News Release Open Letter to Y2K Analysts Fact Sheet

Country and Coordinator Links

Country Web Site Assessments

Comments, Suggestions, and Questions

International Y2K Cooperation Center

News Release

For Immediate Release Contact: Lisa Pellegrin 26 August 1999 Telephone: (202) 466-5464, ext. 11 J Fax: (202) 466-5451 J E-mail: J Web:

International Y2K Center Releases 72 New Country Readiness Surveys Open Letter Asks Analysts To Use "Unfiltered" Information

WASHINGTON, DC, USA -- The International Y2K Cooperation Center (IY2KCC), a United Nations backed group funded by the World Bank, today released its first survey of Y2K readiness in 72 nations, as reported by national Y2K coordinators representing each government.

"This is the unfiltered information straight from the people who have been working on the Y2K problem in each nation," said Bruce McConnell, director of the International Y2K Cooperation Center. "We encourage the many organizations currently making evaluations of country readiness to use this first-hand information to supplement their opinion surveys. It is imperative that analysts learn from the people actually doing the work before making judgments that have serious consequences."

"This principle applies equally to private consultants and to national governments that contemplate issuing travel advice to their citizens," said McConnell. In an Open Letter to Y2K Analysts, McConnell said, "All third party evaluations should reflect direct consultations with each affected country's Y2K coordinator. These coordinators can be located via the Center's web page."

"We also urge those countries that have not yet made their readiness information public to do so as soon as possible," said McConnell. "Full public disclosure of Y2K preparation activities is essential to maintain public confidence in the international marketplace."

The IY2KCC surveys were completed in August 1999 by Y2K coordinators appointed by their national governments. Y2K coordinators reported the month implementation was expected to be 90 percent completed. Status statements were provided for nine sectors: Energy, Communications, Finance, Transportation (Air, Sea, Land), Health, Government Services and Customs.

The 72 survey responses are posted on the website of the International Y2K Cooperation Center at, under Country Information. With this publication, 33 countries have for the first time provided information on the World Wide Web in English. Another 56 countries have shared information with the center but have not yet indicated their preference to share it with the public. Finally, 67 countries have not yet responded to the Center's request for information either via the survey or web site. The survey results will be updated periodically as additional countries respond.

Y2K refers to possible computer and automated control system malfunctions when the year changes from 1999 to 2000. Until recently, many computers and automated systems were programmed to handle only two-digit year formats, and could make mistakes when they encounter "00" in the date field.

The IY2KCC was established in February 1999 under United Nations auspices with World Bank funding in response to the need to coordinate efforts to update computer and automated control systems around the world to smoothly transition to the year 2000. International Y2K Cooperation Center 1000 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Suite 502 Washington, D.C. 20036 TEL: 202-466-5464 | FAX: 202-466-5451

-- Al K. Lloyd (, August 28, 1999


Good find, Al. Just for fun I checked out Bolivia. Seems the Y2K coordinator was well informed and his biggest problem was the across the board DWGI attitude of the government leaders. Industry was trying (and catching up somewhat) but the Govt. appears to be toast. Guess I won't be riding the blackbird trail down to Bolivia anytime soon!

Comments from some of the other countries appear to be rose colored spin. Might be fun to watch this sight for updates in the next few months.

-- Roger (, August 28, 1999.

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