Epson PhotoPC 800 reviews??? : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Why doesn't Imaging Resource have a review of any Epson Digital cameras? Especially the PhotoPC 800? Does anyone have a review of this camera? I hear it's supposed to be fabulous!

Please let me know. Thanks.

-- Chris (, September 01, 1999


Shot why stop with the Epson PhotoPc 800. Let's see the Epson 850Z also. I have had an Epson 750Z for 6 months now and have taken around 1500 photos with it that I have kept and burned to a CD-R disk. I am very happy with my Epson camera. Comparisions done like at: I feel this comparision shows the Epson 750Z to keep up pretty good with the competition. Epson has shown themselves to be a player in the digital imaging field with their Photo 750 and Photo 1200 printers. From what I read about the Epson 850Z camera it should make a good showing as well. Had I gone by the reviews on this web site alone I wouldn't have chosen my 750Z camera. Once people realize that this sight doesn't cover all the manufaturers they will go elsewhere. Might I suggest you buy an Epson 850Z and other cameras you review. You may find yourselves more willing to shoot down a bad camera if you don't have to worry about relations with the manufacture that loaned you the camera. You may also find your reader will apreciate good cameras not being missed because the manufacture won't loan you one!! I realize that could get expensive but if you are serious about review digital cameras that is the only way I know of to get the politics out of the picture.

-- Bob G. (, September 14, 1999.

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