kodak 280 experience

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Does anyone out there have any hands on experience with a Kodak 280 yet? If so, any comparisons to the Nikon cp950?

-- john maniscalco (john_maniscalco@yahoo.com), September 07, 1999


I would say that the Nikon has a better picture for sure. I checked out the DC280 and the pictures are no better than a DC260. I think the compression is a bit nasty and the Nikon has the the least objectional compression to my eyes. At least with the Nikon you can shoot uncompressed as well. Maybe the DC290 will be a better camera. Last week I bought a 950 after looking at my options. Man it kicks, but get a big Flash card with it. Get a 950 and the HP photosmart printer and your set. The printer does stunning pictures off the 950.

-- Cris Daniels (danfla@gte.net), September 10, 1999.

The Kodak DC280 has far superior images to the Nikon cp950 as you will see if you examine closely the sample images given in the comparison section of this site. As an example of the far superior image quality, click on the inside (no flash) image sample of the model holding a boquet and look at the bush alongside the model. You will see that the leaves look much more lifelike in the kodak image. I could point out other examples, but to me that was the clincher!! The Nikon (and most other digitals have quite dull images and will require a considerable amount of editing to make them acceptable.

-- Fred Hammack (fredth41@hotmail.com), September 11, 1999.

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