When was Columbus-Albany line built?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

When was the Columbus to Americus/Albany segment of the Central of Georgia built? Was it an independent short line before it was bought by the C of G or did the Central build it?

-- Michael Simon (msimon@g-and-o.com), September 09, 1999


Michael, this is a little late in being answered, but from what I can find out the Columbus to Americus line was started in part by the Buena Vista & Ellaville Railroad, incorporated on Dec. 3,1880. The line became part of the Savannah & Western Railroad in July 1888, with the entire line operational on July 9,1889. This line came into the Central in 1895. I'm not sure who built the Columbus to Buena Vista segment. The Americus to Albany segment predated the Columbus section. It was completed in 1857 by the South Western Railroad after it bought the Georgia & Florida (chartered in 1852)which had built 25 miles southward from Americus. Hope this helps.

-- Stephen S. Syfrett (ssyfrett@mindspring.com), September 26, 2000.

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