Casio qv770- 9/10/99 : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I recently purchased a casio qv770, new in box, off ebay. It's supposed to be mac/pc compatible. However, I can't get the software (qv-link) to respond to the computer to get the pictures off the camera. Something is missing. I have an imac and had to purchase an an entrega device, which I thought would be sooooo easy. It didn't help either (made for pda's and digital cameras). Can anyone help? What is the secret? Thanks.

-- Marjorie McGarva (, September 10, 1999


You need an SB155, Basically, Mac in their wisdom made the port need more power than most peripherals produce. SO new cables were made by most companies. Contact Casio for their's

-- mike (, October 06, 1999.

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