Will PTOC dominate '99 YooHoo?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : orienteer kansas : One Thread

This Sunday sees the return of Possum Trot's big fall line-up of meets. First on the schedule is the annual YooHoo meet, a perennial stumbling block for OK. Time and time again PTOC pulls out all of the stops and reigns terror across the Heartland, keeping OK at bay. What is it that has kept OK's YooHoo turnouts so low? Is it the sticktights and spiderwebs? Will anyone from OK be making a bid to capture the YooHoo this year, or will those honors once again fall to our possum neighbors?

The suspense is killing me and I can't wait for the official YooHoo reports to start pouring in! Go OK!

-- mook (everett@psi.edu), September 17, 1999


Here is the YooHoo meet info (from the PTOC home page):

Sunday, Sep. 19 - YooHoo Meet - Barker Rd. Access point of the Mill Creek Streamway Trail, north of Shawnee Mission Pkwy, Shawnee, from 11 am to 2 pm only. This is a special format, get-acquainted, O'season kick-off meet. This is a super easy course along the asphalt trail, with some optional compass practice if you want it. Cost is $1 and includes a larger, updated black & white map. Meet Directors - Jane & Lou Betros, 913-422-7752, LouBetros@compuserve.com

-- Michael Eglinski (meglin@juno.com), September 18, 1999.

Who cares about that. The real question is when will Mook update his webpage.

-- Dan (daniel.meenehan@umb.com), September 17, 1999.

Mook is, in some ways, the Dennis Rodman of OK. Noone really knows what's going on, but when it comes to crunchtime and there's a big story out there, you can count on him to publish it all.

-- mook (everett@psi.edu), September 17, 1999.

I can not believe anyone would accuse me of frivilous postings just to be the 3rd OKer to reach double digits in the number of postings. Please note the unbelievable ranking Mook's UOKH has acheived on GeoCities. Everybody knows I will be second because Mike/Mary must reach 20 overall in order for each to have 10 postings.

-- Dan (daniel.meenehan@umb.com), September 20, 1999.

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