Been out of town a week... what did I miss? NO POLLIES, PLEASE : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Anything significant happen while I was gone?

-- Sandmann (, September 17, 1999



-- Gordon (, September 17, 1999.

And we had a blast.

-- Mara Wayne (, September 17, 1999.

Did you hear about the big hurricane?

-- winna (??@??.com), September 17, 1999.

greenscum is still smoking whacky baccy...

-- Andy (, September 17, 1999.

I'm a polly. But welcome back.

-- Butt Nugget (nubuttet@better.mousetrap), September 17, 1999.

Na, kinda quiet following 9/9. Same old stuff. <:)=

-- Sysman (, September 17, 1999.

ROFLMAO... at least everyone's sense of humor has improved.

-- Sandmann (, September 18, 1999.

Hi Sandmann. You were gone? :)

-- Old Git (, September 18, 1999.


-- Bokonon (, September 18, 1999.

I was gone 13-17Sep99 at Disney World. On 14Sep99 the Disney resort posted a memo on our door reading:

Dear Guests:

Due to the proximity of Hurricane Floyd, the possiblitiy is imminent that ... blah blah ... do the following:

1. Due to high winds ... we advise you to stock non-perishable food items and keep them in your room.

2. Keep away from windows and stay on the far side of the room.

3. Keeep your connecting room doors open during periods when privacy is not necessary.

4. So that we may reach you in the event of an emergency, do not double lock your guest room door.

5. Leave your guest room blinds or drapes closed and all patio furniture in the room.

6. Fill your bathtub with cool water for an emergency back-up supply, should that be necessary.

7. Do not leave your room until personally notified.

Sincerely, General Manager

I especially liked "1. stock non-perishable food" and "6. fill your bathtub". Of course, I'm in Florida and all my preps are back home in Canada.

What's the difference between Hurrican Floyd and Y2K? Point 4 for Y2K should read:

4. Triple lock your door, lock and load your gun :-)

-- Cable_man (, September 18, 1999.

To somwehat answer your question:

1. Greenspan said the big risks were "neglibible". A&L did a beautiful translation.

2. Unisys said 8 million systems (a negligible number, of course) wouldn't make it. Apparently, Greenspan admitted on our very forum that he soiled his pants!

3. The GAO implied the the IRS is burnt toast.

4. Wall St. still didn't get it.

-- Dave (, September 18, 1999.

Dave, or annyone,

I missed the Unisys story. I worked on a "Uni-this" mainframe for a couple of years, about 1985-87, and my company had one for many years before I worked here. Does anyone have a link or other info? Thankx. <:)=

-- Sysman (, September 18, 1999.

Oh Damn!

Now Disney World has another reason to close, this time for only the second time in its history. I seem to recall from a friend who went to work in the computer center there that all the computers used to run the place were (then) mid-eighties vintage Sperry-Univac or Sperry-Varian (all now Unisys) machines.

And if Uncle Sam's are still going strong now I'll bet Uncle Walt's are, too. Ahh, that is going strong until New Year's, I'll wager. I wonder which entity, Uncle Walt or Uncle Sam, will have more public support to see it's operations completely restored?


-- Wildweasel (, September 18, 1999.


Thanks for the reminder, it was a Sperry machine. They put Unisys stickers on them. Sperry merged with RCA years before. RCA was one of the first IBM mainframe clones, like Amdahl is today. <:)=

-- Sysman (, September 18, 1999.


Strongest Y2K readiness page I have ever seen (Unisys) 001QHT


IRS Y2K Efforts - Report now on GAO Website 001QHG

Congressman Horns latest report card...

Why no interest in most recent report card. 001ODn

Greenspan Discusses Y2k Impact 001Q8K

What Greenspan *Really* Said (Ashton & Leska) 001QEL

Any factual reponses to Greenspan? 001QW6

U.S. Postal Service will not be ready Jan. 1st..... 001Q73

Should help to cross your eyes a bit.


-- Diane J. Squire (, September 18, 1999.

Thanks Diane. I'll be back... <:)=

-- Sysman (, September 18, 1999.

Visiting Walt Disney World is getting difficult - you have to fit it in between hurricanes but before Y2K.

-- Cable_man (, September 18, 1999.

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