What the hell was that CNN?????????????

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

If I did suspect media manipulation before----I just became convinced. The CNN Special Congressional y2k report started at 11:00am with Senator Bennett showing a graph (too small to see) of all areas. Let me put it this way, anyone that was watching it was thinking ----HOLY Sh**---- I mean it was that inflammatory. Bennett spoke for about 5minutes and then went to introduce Sen. Dodd. and CNN actually cut away from the conference. I could not F****** believe it, ---they cut away!!!!!!!!!!! To go to a CNN y2k specialist who parroted---yea,yea, yea, no big deal. YOU HAD TO SEE IT TO BELIEVE IT!!!!

-- David Butts (dciinc@aol.com), September 22, 1999


And this surprised you?

From the Clinton News Network?

The bottom line: the 'net is the ONLY place you stand ANY chance of learning ANYTHING meaningfull about Y2K. Period. That's a BIG reason the gub'mint wants CONTROL over it. (The free-flow of information)

-- Dennis (djolson@pressenter.com), September 22, 1999.

Did you see how Moynihan(sp) was looking at the cahrt for sooo long. He couln't take his eyes off. Like it was the first time he saw it. That reporter they went ot was Charles Birbaure or something like that he used to be the White House reporter before Wolf Blitzer became the Puppet. He didn't seem to knowlergeable did he?

100 days out...

-- --- (%%%%@%%%.%%%), September 22, 1999.

Yes, I was flabbergasted this morning when I saw/heard the smiling talking head of the newscaster at CNN say that the senate report says the "government is finished with all their systems" - WHAT????? Talk about spin/disconnect, etc. It blows my mind.

-- Kristi (securxsys@cs.com), September 22, 1999.

I tuned in just as Bennet was finishing up, and couldn't believe CNN cut away. Went flipping maddly to C-Span and other channels.. nothing. Back to CNN... happy, happy. But did you notice the Gallup poll... 48% still think there will be financial difficulties. oopsie. Better turn UP the spincontrol knob.

-- Linda (lwmb@psln.com), September 22, 1999.

I caught the preview on CNBC last night, based on what was supposed to be the USA Today article. Brian Williams spoke so fast, I had the impression he said health care is okay--which, obviously, it's not. 12 seconds and it was over. I was like, "huh???"

-- Mara Wayne (MaraWayne@aol.com), September 22, 1999.

How many people have contacted their congresspersons to report all the spin that is being put on the whole issue? Anybody???

-- y2k dave (xsdaa111@hotmail.com), September 22, 1999.


More info please (grin/groan). What Graph? Was it of the United States? Was if filled in with colors? Why was what Bennett saying "inflamatory?" What was he saying? What was Dodd saying? ??????

(I just read y2k newswires comments on the FBI Special coming up on PBS and they're (FBI) ready to move people to shelters...contingency plans, et.al. to be aired sometime after Friday 23rd.)

(The disconnect is getting too large...)

Linda - there was a gallop poll that said 48% of _______ (who?) expect financial difficulties? Any other questions? Link? ;-)

They *really* said "the .gov is FINISHED with their systems"?

y2kdave - Contacting your congressman is a good idea, but I wouldn't expect to get anything more than a sympathetic ear and then have things...continue...as...usual...la, la, la...

-- mar (derigueur2@aol.com), September 22, 1999.

Special Committee on the Year 2000 Technology Problem
of the United States Senate
100 Day Report:

September 22, 1999

http:// www.senate.gov/~y2k/documents/100dayrpt/

Table of Contents

http://www.senate.gov/~y2k/documents/100dayrpt/ toc_100days.pdf

Executive Summary

http://www.senate.gov/~y2k/documents/100dayrpt/ exec_sum_100days.pdf


http://www.senate.gov/~y2k/documents/ 100dayrpt/introduction_100days.pdf



http://www.senate.gov/~y2k/documents/100dayrpt/ utilities_100days.pdf

Health Care

http://www.senate.gov/~y2k/documents/ 100dayrpt/healthcare_100days.pdf


http://www.senate.gov/~y2k/documents/100dayrpt/ telecomm_100days.pdf


http://www.senate.gov/~y2k/documents/100dayrpt/ transport_100days.pdf

Financial Services

http://www.senate.gov/~y2k/documents/100dayrpt/ finance_100days.pdf

General Government Services

http://www.senate.gov/~y2k/documents/100dayrpt/ gengovern_100days.pdf

Business Services

http://www.senate.gov/~y2k/documents/ 100dayrpt/genbusiness_100days.pdf


http://www.senate.gov/~y2k/documents/ 100dayrpt/litigation_100days.pdf

International Preparedness

http://www.senate.gov/~y2k/documents/ 100dayrpt/international_100days.pdf

Personal Preparedness

http://www.senate.gov/~y2k/documents/ 100dayrpt/personal_prepare_100days.pdf

Looking Ahead

Beyond Y2K

http://www.senate.gov/~y2k/documents/100dayrpt/ beyondy2k_100days.pdf


Appendix I: Legislative Activities of the 106th Congress

http://www.senate.gov/~y2k/documents/100dayrpt/ apndixi_100days.pdf

Appendix II: Y2K Letters

http://www.senate.gov/~y2k/documents/100dayrpt/ apndixii_100days.pdf

Appendix III: Committee Hearings

http://www.senate.gov/~y2k/documents/100dayrpt/ apndixiii_100days.pdf

Appendix IV: Y2K Related Websites

http://www.senate.gov/~y2k/documents/100dayrpt/ apndixiv_100days.pdf

Appendix V: Acronyms used in this report

http://www.senate.gov/~y2k/documents/100dayrpt/ apndixv_100days.pdf


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-- Diane J. Squire (sacredspaces@yahoo.com), September 22, 1999.


Let me attempt to put into words the objective and most importantly subjective five minute experience today that was the Congressional news conference on CNN at 11:00am.

First of all when they started--my subjective impressions where the people present and giving the news conference were EXTREMELY tentative about what they knew and how the were going to communicate it. The camera showed a dais with Sen. bennett in front of it with a poster on a tripod off to the sen. left. The Chart could not be read it was soooo small. The chart was supposed to show graphs of different sectors and their percentage of remediation. The chart was sooo small, I mean it was almost comical,---no it was comical. It was soo obvious that they did not want the viewing audience to see it. I'm not kidding---it was that small.

Then as Bennett was speaking in terms of communicating to interested American citizens watching the state of y2k, he was articulating in somber serious tones about disruptions and the fact they are not sure and also the severity of the overseas situation and how it WILL effect us. Wow, I thought this is powerful, anybody watching this is going to get scared Sh**less.

Sen. Moynihan (his back to the camera) was oddly perusing the chart very closely (about two feet away from it) almost seemingly straining to see the graphs. (and he was two feet away).

At this point the whole feeling of this thing (imho) was a group of Senators that were hiding something and were extremely uncomfortable with what they now where attempting to share with the public. It was absolutely surreal. I have watched everything from watergate to whitewater and I honestly can tell you that I have never had the feeling come across of Senators (politicians) feeling more out of control about something. Sen. Bennett spoke for--I would say about 4 minutes--(all negative stuff) then when he introduced Sen. Dodd---the strangest thing occured. Here we all our watching and feeling that this is some heavy heavy information. Serious stuff that these guys are extremely nervous about--in other words extremely news worthy from the horses mouth. And now Sen. Dodd------CNN at that exact moment switched from the news conference back to The News Desk. Whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttttttt!!! Holy seque Batman!!!!

CNN then brings on this y2k expert that tells us whats up. Basicaly temporing the news that Bennett just delivered. But who the hell knows what Dodd Was saying because I can only assume that we the viewing audience had had enough for one day.

I am at this point Crying, I swear to God, it was that unnerving to me. This gov. showed how pathetic and powerless it is with this problem in only 4 minutes. This is all my opinion, anyone else that saw the news conference please let me know if you got the same impressions.

when I said I was crying, I am not an emotional person, I was not bawling. I had a tear run down my cheek. That is how much of an impression this made on me. We are in trouble Folks, Big trouble.

I only hope my impressions are way off!!!!!

-- David Butts (dciinc@aol.com), September 22, 1999.

David, hang in there. I wish I could have seen this!!!

I don't think the cover can stay on this much longer. It's too big a story and some mainstream press are going to start to focus on the inevitable. Especially since the "official" countdown has started.

Anyone notice what seems like an increase in coverage?

Oh, and... "don't panic"..."there is no need to panic"...right Mar? : )



-- Michael Taylor (mtdesign3@aol.com), September 22, 1999.


Thanks for the answer...yikes, as I said in another post, do you (as in anyone) think there are "acceptable losses" in this whole scenario? I'm beginning to think there are.

I read A&L posting of some of the ExeSummary and it is beyond nerve racking! I believe you are right, we are in for major problems and upheavels, the likes of which I have never seen.

And ultimately TPTB will blame the american people. "We told you to check *your* situation carefully." "We told you to prepare for a 3 day storm." So it will be our fault if we are not prepared and as far as they are concerned, we will have no one to blame but ourselves.

How the spin can keep on with news this dire is truely beyond me...

-- mar (derigueur2@aol.com), September 22, 1999.

Other generations had their fad dances: mashed potato, twist, etc... we need to choreograph some moves for "the panic".

-- lisa (lisa@work.now), September 22, 1999.

Mike: Just because I have no fingernails left does not mean I'm panicking...! ;-)

-- mar (derigueur2@aol.com), September 22, 1999.

Okay, people let's take a deep breath here. It's not as if we haven't known about all of this for a long while. It's only the fact that for the first time it actually showed up in the media where anyone who was even remotely paying attention could see it. In effect, what has just happened to some of us is psychological validation for the possibilities that lay ahead. That, in itself, is a shock which will pass.

I repeat, this is not news to us. We have been preparing ourselves for the situation. Even if we haven't had any money for preps, we have still realized that the tsunami might possibly be out there. We prepared, if only in our hearts. This is the good news. We are far ahead of people who may just now be getting it, or will never get it right down to when the ball drops in Times Square.

Personally, I still believe that American will be better off than the rest of the world, and I'm still holding out a chance that the disaster will not be as bad as it seems it could be.

We cansurvive!

-- CD (CDOKeefe@aol.com), September 22, 1999.


It is important for us to come to grips with the real magnitude of this problem. The Federales have made their choices about how they are going to approach this thing. Set in stone. The media are owned by the folks who back these people, who are the front men for TPTB. CNN and the networks are completely reigned in and will never report bad news on this issue. There will be some window dressing, but nothing that will change the attitudes or actions of the audiences.

In alot of ways you are seeing the way it has been for a long time now, only this is obvious to us by the total level of lies involved. These 'leaders' are leading a blind public into the abyss with them. I do not think they recognize just what they are doing either. They have so rationalized this approach in their minds that they can not see, nay, they will not see the future in any other way than what they have planned.

Needless to say the plan will not work because it is based on deception. When the masses of folks recognize that they have been had they will no longer heed a voice of authority. I expect that much proper relationship to authority will be destroyed due to this approach. When people no longer consent to be governed then the governors will become irrelavent and powerless. The only problem is that this will lead to widespread anarchy.

IMO they will continue this charade as long as possible and it will be intensified as the Fall grows old. They will not ALLOW people to panic in a psychological/sociological sense, and if that fails then in a legal sense. One must also recognize that most people do NOT want to know and are willing believers of the 'happiness' spread by the 'authorities'.

Look deeply into the eyes of any normal person today as you discuss information about Y2K issues. You will see in about 30 to 90 seconds a complete shuttering of the mind. Its like watching blinds close..ziiiiIIp. They do not want to know. As long as the public does not want to know then TPTB and their information channels will tell them 'hapiness'. And they will believe, warm and snug in their beds.

Its not about the government only. It is about everyone helping everyone to ignore reality.

Find some way to not be around these people when their world collapses. It will not be very pretty or painless. Expect ALOT of suicides and thrashing violence. Just stay clear until people get exhausted with acting insane...and then stay clear for another year.

BTW it seems to me that Deep Impact and Armagedon (the movies) were put together just for the purpose of presenting the options this gov faced when it chose to take the road it did. Folks in Hollywood wrote the script for this, their most challenging assignment (also see Wag the Dog).

They know what they are doing. IMO they do not know what the result will be even if they think they do.

-- ..- (Dit@dot.dash), September 22, 1999.

Michail Lang,

Thanks for the support mike, but Im cool as a cucumber.

I wish everyone could have seen it!!! It was one of those moments in life that we've all experienced when you come upon a situation and your eyes see but your heart,subconscious,intuition,experience,feelings,impressions, are overwhelmed. Did not mean to Scare anyone, but I just wanted to convey how odd the energy,stances,interest,concern was in the room! It was very, very weird. You know how you feel when Clinton gets on TV. I mean he is speaking, but something is coming off of him (unseen) and it literally comes thru the Television. (duplicity)

Well the feeling coming off the television during this live news conference, was like looking at a vaudeville act that is on the verge of the last scene, when all the props come tumbling down.

-- David Butts (dciinc@aol.com), September 22, 1999.

Bennett looked like he was naked and holding his hands in front of his privates. In every other instance where charts have been available, the camera pans to the chart and then gives a closeup of the chart while the speaker makes some detailed point. Here the speaker (Bennett) seemed to not want to get near the chart and the camera person seemed hesitant to pan to the chart (was this by direction from a producer or because Bennett was avoiding getting too close to the chart?). Very surreal.

-- curtis schalek (cschalek@earthlink.net), September 22, 1999.



The other thing that was obvious to me was--- their apparent discomfort with the task at hand. I did not SEE any LEADERS!

In fact I saw just the opposite, a couple of suits that looked like they wanted to run and hide under a table. just when real leadership and statesman ship is sorely needed. That in itself is what gave me the impression these guys have looked into the abyss and nothing looked back.

Paula Gordon is starting to seem more and more logical!!

surreal is the word

-- David Butts (dciinc@aol.com), September 22, 1999.

My view on the Government and "Panic":


-- Roland (nottelling@nowhere.com), September 22, 1999.

Sooo... what are the probabilities of someone

(1) having Videoed the program (2) being able to convert this to mpeg/avi/rm (3) e-mailing/posting it (many MB, I know, but...)

Not much I guess.

-- Y2KGardener (gardens@bigisland.net), September 22, 1999.

I have tapes of all sorts of Y2K news items, but I didn't even have this one on my radar. geeez...

Echoing Y2K Gardener: did anyone have the ol' VCR rolling in this? Can we get anything from CNN themselves?

Reminds me of what happened on Yardeni's site for the T-200 session. They originally had audio of Senators Bennett and Dodd at a recent press conference. Then it just vanished, replaced by the same message that Senator Bennett provided for the T-300 session (or it may even have been T-400). No one from Yardeni's site ever responded to my inquiry about this.

And so it goes...

-- Mac (sneak@lurk.hid), September 22, 1999.

David, I got to see a part of Bennett's speech, and I felt the same way: This is really shocking that he is being this blunt. Then my husband came home and mentioned that he had read about there remarks and that it was "no big deal." I thought we must be dealing with two very different speeches; I didn't see the CNN commentary later. Now I understand why he came away with such a different picture.

-- Claire (justasshockedasdavid@aol.com), September 22, 1999.

Our local PBS replayed the entire speech this afternoon. It ended up being pretty happy faced. Most emphasis for problems: healthcare and other nations. Bennett did say: "Most of the nation could be OK, and yet YOU still have problems in your own backyard. We just don't know WHICH backyards." (may not be exact word for word, I didn't write it down) He also said, "What you need to stockpile is information."

Y2K was discussed on all of our local news stations, and even on the radio today. The funniest thing I heard was from an anchor woman on the local ABC news channel. After giving a short statement about the senate report, she said, "So, there's nothing to cause major panic." I thought, "Good, I'll just have some minor panic then!" :-)

-- Gayla (privacy@please.com), September 22, 1999.

I read the link to the transcript - and was interested by the last part:


Having neither TV, video nor video-->mpeg (or avi) facilities all I can ask is that someone with the technology orders it and turns it into a computer video-clip...

-- Y2KGardener (gardens@bigisland.net), September 23, 1999.

LOL... oh help!

...average is not a bad grade. -- Senator Bennett

Well just have an average Y2K season coming up. Right. (Doesn't get you into the college of your choice though Senator).

Diane, former teacher

-- Diane J. Squire (sacredspaces@yahoo.com), September 23, 1999.


I wonder if it will be like an average hurricane?

-- Deborah (infowars@yahoo.com), September 23, 1999.

Average good enough eh?

I guess only an average number of people will die.

What's the average number of death in a plant explosion? How about the average number of casualties in a train wreck? Or the average number of house fires per day during a power-out in the middle of winter?

We should start paying our taxes "on average" ( as in sometimes we pay our taxes, sometimes not, on average 1/2 the people pay) because we get an "average" service from it. Benett and his committee at least should get an "average pay".

-- Chris (#$%^&@pond.com), September 23, 1999.

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