O.T. Clinton crime to make men shiver...

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

CLINTON'S BIGGEST CRIME By STEVE DUNLEAVY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IT WON'T be hard to find Bill Clinton in New York today - just follow the traffic jams that his visits always produce.

But don't look for his conscience. For the past 14 years, you wouldn't have been able to find it with AWAC radar and search parties.

I am not talking about the scandals of lying to judges and juries, or low-jinks in high places, or Whitewater or Travelgate or Filegate.

It has to do with a man called Wayne Dumond, over whose case I have agonized for long more than a decade.

Dumond, now 52, was given conditional parole yesterday in Arkansas after having being sentenced to 50 years in jail for the rape of Clinton's cousin.

That rape never happened.

Is that just me saying so?

No way.

Some others who say so are:

*The judge who sentenced Dumond under court guidelines to 50 years. In fact, the judge later quit the bench to become Dumond's lawyer to prove his innocence.

*Dr. Moses Schanfield, who headed the Genetic Testing Center in Denver and did sperm tests on the so-called victim's jeans. "No way, zip, nada. No way Dumond was the donor of that sperm. It couldn't have happened in a million years." Schanfield was one of the experts sent to Bosnia to identify mystery graves.

*Fred Odam, a retired Arkansas state police captain. He immersed himself in the case. He told me: "In all my time, this is the one case when I know a man is not guilty."

*Veteran journalist Gene Wirges, 72, who now publishes the "Common Sense American" and has battled this travesty from Day One: "Very few people thought Wayne was guilty, but a lot thought the Clinton kin and clan had to have revenge ... against anyone - and Bill went along with the program."

Despite the fact the Clinton cousin - whom I will not name, although The Associated Press has - failed to identify Dumond in two lineups, he was convicted.

Despite the fact that she identified two other suspects, one an ex-boyfriend, Dumond was convicted

Dumond will finally get out after nearly 14 years.

Before Dumond turned himself in for his 50-year sentence, while awaiting surrender, something terrible happened.

Two masked men burst into his house with a scalpel and surgical gloves and castrated him. You heard it right.

The former Vietnam veteran and father of six was found hog-tied from a rafter by two of his schoolboy sons. Miraculously, he survived.

A Clinton crony, Sheriff Coolidge Conlee, who also was a friend of the father of the Clinton cousin, had let the two animals out of jail to rob Dumond of his manhood.

Sheriff Coolidge Conlee would die in jail after the feds nailed him for 60 years on a RICO charge.

As Dumond was clinging to life in jail, the sheriff displayed his severed testicles in a jar on his desk.

"I saw him pick them up and I saw the display," state police Capt. Odam has told me.

As Dumond's testicles were on display on the sheriff's desk, something else happened. Dumond's house was torched to the ground.

The father of the so-called rape victim was one of Clinton's biggest donors in his race for the Arkansas Governor's Mansion.

When Dumond finally gets released next month, his wife, Dusty, will not be able to greet him. She died two years ago - after years of pleading with Clinton to review the case while he was governor. The man who, as president, would later grant clemency to FALN terrorists turned a deaf ear to her pleas.

Whenever a reporter would ask Gov. Clinton about the case, he'd invariably respond: "I don't comment on those things."

When pressed by other politicians, his response was: "The case [for a retrial or clemency] has no merit."

Sounds like Clinton knew a bit about executive privilege a long time ago.

I have in the past spoken to Wayne Dumond for hours in his cell, and, apart from never seeing his wife when he gets his freedom, he says: "No, I'm not bitter. I've learned a lot. I think I've become one of those computer nuts while in jail."

We will be able to find Clinton today in New York. But who can find his conscience? http://www.nypostonline.com/commentary/14277.htm

-- Mumsie (Shezdremn@aol.com), September 22, 1999



-- JESUS will RETURN. (dogs@zianet.com), September 22, 1999.

I thought that I was sickened before by the various Clinton stories, but this one is surely the worst.

This is the sort of story that make me want to say a prayer for the guy.

-- GA Russell (ga.russell@usa.net), September 22, 1999.

Here is the list Steve belong to. Its so far RIGHT it fell off the table.


-- y2k dave (xsdaa111@hotmail.com), September 22, 1999.

Here we have an unverified and obviously inflammatory report. I don't know what happened here so I don't know what to make of Clinton's role in this. On the other hand, a list that includes long0time reporter Helen Thomas and George Will is hardly a hellfire Nazi organization. Can we not be a little grounded in reality?

-- Mara Wayne (MaraWayne@aol.com), September 22, 1999.


Since when did David Broder or Larry King venture toward the right of anything. Those guys are the "Kings of the Status Quo". Judge the article based on it's merits.

-- TM (mercier7@pdnt.com), September 22, 1999.

Remember clinton's so called illegitimate son? Turns out that this story was fabricated to discredit his critics.(flame away) This could be another one. Odd's are in his favor to be innocent of SOMETHING.

-- KoFE (your@town.USA), September 22, 1999.

i live in arkansas......and this story is NOT unsubstantiated!

here's a snip from the article printed in arkansas's main newspaper, the arkansas democrat/gazette yesterday


The DuMond case received national attention in 1985 when two masked men beat and castrated DuMond. The late Coolidge Conlee, then sheriff of St. Francis County, displayed DuMond's testicles in a jar in his office.

-end snip-

the whole article can be seen at:

http://www.ardemgaz.com/ search%5Fnews/tue/ark/ baxdumond21.html

it's a long article.....and if you bother to read thru the whole thing you will see near the end that Wayne DuMond is apparently no angel.....

BUT! this story is as convaluted as most things having to do with our "president"......so we will most likely never know what the truth is

-- andrea (mebsmebs@hotmail.com), September 22, 1999.

Some people are so obsessed with Clinton that they are grasping at straws.

The victim is described as a distant cousin of Clintons.

The article is not that long. Here is the relevant part, showing that if Dumont was framed for this rape, he still shouldnt be out of jail.

(educational purposes  fair use)

The Stevens case isn't the only criminal case involving DuMond.
On Aug. 8, 1972, DuMond and two men used a 17-year-old girl to lure a man into a park in Lawton, Okla., where he was beaten to death with wrenches and a claw hammer, according to records from the Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals.
DuMond admitted beating the victim with the wrench but claimed that he refused his accomplices' demands to "finish him off." DuMond received immunity for testifying against the accomplices.
On Oct. 10, 1973, DuMond was arrested in Tacoma, Wash., accused of accosting a teen-age girl in a parking lot. DuMond received five years' probation.
On Sept. 28, 1976, two DeWitt women reported that DuMond broke into their homes and raped them. DuMond reportedly confessed to one rape to an Arkansas State Police investigator but refused to sign a transcript of the confession. Both women sent letters to the parole board in 1990 opposing DuMond's release .

-- hes a lame duck why bother (whocares@nowhere.com), September 22, 1999.

so......."hes a lame duck why bother...whocares",

because DuMond is allegedly "no angel" (as i pointed out in my previous post).....you think that it's hunky- dorey for him to have been castrated and hung up to bleed to death (which would have happened if his school age children had not found him before he died)......and/or that he should have been framed for a crime that DNA evidence proved that he did not commit.....

but leave poor poor mr clinton alone.....cause he's been thru SO much....and he's on his way out, anyway...(we hope!)

you said "The victim is described as a distant cousin of Clintons."

here in the deep south, your uncle's mother's second cousin is still considered close family.........

nobody here has accused CLINTON of being the one who raped (in this case anyway)....

what bothers me is that clinton had the chance while governor of this state, after becoming informed of the truth in the stevens case, to provide justice.....but he didn't

i'm not trying to defend DuMond....i don't know that much about him....except that he was almost murdered and has been in jail for the last 14 years for something that he didn't do

i just don't understand you clinton lovers....that's for sure

and come to think of it....i'm GLAD i don't understand, especially if that means i would think it right to frame a guy for something he didn't do, while letting the real criminal enjoy the "high life"


-- andrea (mebsmebs@hotmail.com), September 22, 1999.

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