Location of Kostrikovac, Dalmatia

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Dalmatian culture : One Thread

I am trying to find the location of the town (village) that my father was born in. Th limited information I have is from his naturalization papers which states that he was born Nikola Milicevic in Kostrikovac, Dalmatia, Austria on September 16, 1889. I have none of his original entry papers. He arrived in New York in 1909 and was naturalized in 1942. The spelling of the village is suspect also since he could neither read or write. I would appreciate any help.

-- Nick Milich (n.milich@worldnet.att.net), September 27, 1999


I don't know about Dalmatia, but I was looking for a Nick Milich I knew in davis, CA in the 1980s. Drop me a line, if it's you. If not, sorry I bothered you.

-- kathy (kathy@clearcreekfamily.com), July 19, 2001.

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